[UKRP] Jhorlin for Party President

Day 1,029, 10:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jhorlin

Ladies, gentlemen,

The time has come!

After over a year and a half as part of the UKRP, I feel now is my time to run for Party President and add my own flavour to leading our fine party. Many of you have had a taste of that, during my time as Congressional Director, or Vice Party President. Hopefully that was a pleasant taste, and accordingly, you will be salivating for more.

What experience do I have?

I've held a number of posts in the military, from SAS trooper, to Staff Officer, to General Staff Officer, all the way to the top as Chief of the General Staff. I'm still regarded by many as a military man, and I certainly have my fair share of military experience.

Aside from my role as CGS, I've also been in the Cabinet as jamesw's Minister of Rations (#freeguns) and currently work with Master Hofkens to run the Ministry of Work.

I have a strong presence in the House of Commons, winning a place in congress on no fewer than 5 separate occassions. I have a great attendance record, and am more than happy to offer my opinion on more or less anything!

Party Politics
As I say, I've operated as Congressional Director many times, and this seems to be a recurring role due to my success in that position. I also operated as Darkmantle's Vice Party President, which gives me some experience in the overarching leadership of the party.

Party - What stays the same?

I'd like to keep the same underpinning policy of the party - to maximise individual liberty by the minimum possible state intervention.

I'd also like to keep more or less the same party structure - it's very useful to have a mini-cabinet not only to give people experience, but also to make the best use of our people, who are our richest resource.

I make special note of the role of international party links, which are a relatively modern idea in UKRP, but I feel are of great importance to moving forward as a party.

I also think that congressional election success is key to putting our policies into practice, and per usual, I'll be taking a special interest in the coming elections. We've done rather well over the past few months, and I want to continue to build upon that success.

I might also note that the party holds a number of ministers, even in a TUP government, and I'd love to make the best possible use of this experience by continuing to develop strong individuals and moulding them into cabinet material

Party - What needs to change?

I'm not happy watching the leadership of the party stagnate - I'd like to hold weekly, if not biweekly meetings with all party officials, open to any interested parties, to help steer the direction of the party and keep the wheels turning.

I'd also like to get the party more involved in politics, so as an extra advertising feature for our forums, I'd set up a mini voting hall for forum active party members to experience HoC style voting, and so that we can discuss and form party-wide opinions on real issues that are going through the Commons.

I'd also introduce a semi-automatic sponsorship idea, whereby any private member can introduce a bill on these forums, regardless of whether they are in congress, and we can collect sponsors before it goes to PD. That way, we can give members a head start on PD, a chance to demonstrate Parliamentary potential, as well as support what the party stands for. I feel that crafting legislation should be encouraged, and this would seem an interesting way to do it.

The one key resource we have over any other is our people. We need to maintain our recruitment efforts and step them up a notch - we are now a very active party within congress and government, and we need to keep an influx of new blood in to keep the ball rolling. As congressional director this term, I noticed across the board that parties lacked quality candidates more than anything else, and that's not a problem I want to see the party suffering from.

Moreover, I'm happy to entertain ideas, discussion, and feedback at any time from anyone. I don't profess to be a 1 man solution to all of our ills, rather the 1 man to co-ordinate our solutions together. People need to be listened to, and feel that their opinion matters. I hope I'm your man to do that!


Your UKRP Party Presidential Candidate