[Ukraine] It's time to grow

Day 790, 17:48 Published in Ukraine France by Entente Cordiale

Dear citizen of eWorld,

Time is hard for many of us, I have many things to say and all is not good at heard, but it's time for us to grow and for that I'll do the dirty work too.

I'll start by Phoenix and his members.
it's been a month now that i heard all the time that we're friends, that you'll help us, and many other things, like that many promise, many words but actions not much .
France paid 200G the help of Russia last month for what ? 600k in Paris ? I know that 600k is ridiculous for Russia, it's the less they can do. thanks Russia.
I remember discuss with Phoenix when I was Vice-president, where many of you promised help, and I remember when I saw the battles stats where Phoenix was missing.
Serbia, Turkey, Hungary, Brazil, Russia, Indonesia, and others, promised help, France have helped you in Japan, in Slovakia, In Turkey but for what ?
Well, I don't forget that many people of these countries help us, by themself, and I'm very recognizing to these people, like Serbia Elite soldiers who haven't followed orders to fight with us, I'll always remember, but it's not enough.
In a way I'm worried for Phoenix, many of your people don't follow you, maybe it's time for you to change.
Maybe we'll help Germany and UK in the next days, the decision haven't yet be taken, but if we'll do that we hope you change priority and help people who helped you while they are in a very big shit. We sacrifice ourselves for you, and that could be the last one, depends on you.

Next, I'll be sincere and quick with the French government.
Currently, The Entente is working on your liberation, we discuss about strategy for you, I wish to see you more in these debates and you'll don't take inconsiderate decisions, please. I don't know if my successor will also be nice than me with you.

That is done for the dirty job, now the good news.
Our organization is now done, and I've nominated our department directors.
Wolf86 as Commander of the Entente (CENT)
Enersto-Che-Guevara as Director of Economic and Production Department (DEEP)
Rednif Tap as Director of Foreign Affairs Department (DEFA)
Ph03n1x as Director of Secret Services Department (DESS)
AlessandraV as Director of Communication and Information Department (DECI)
and Giggster as Director of Legal and Development Department (DLDD)
we'll need good souls to help us, then if you are interested in one of this department, please contact the person in charge.
More descriptions about department will be soon publish on the Forum.

Another good one, we have a logo now 🙂

Thank to all people who participate at the contest.

I remind you our MMM program is always on the way, well don't forgot to subscribe on the newspaper, the list is here :
Thank to AlessandraV for all her help.
This program is very important, and we trust on you to make it work.

Thank you to everyone who helped and continue well.

Secretary General of the Entente

"What is required is not a lot words, but effectual ones."

PS : Entente Forum