[UK CP] Opening Gambit

Day 2,638, 03:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Addaway
Not published from the CP org as the password I have for it doesn't seem to work; will sort for the next update

Since this is my first update as CP I’d like to thank everyone who turned out and voted for me earlier in the week, hopefully we can have a good month o7

I’ve waited till now to write an update as I actually wanted to have stuff to write, once I had got up to speed with all of the cabinet and held our first IRC meeting of the month. Having done that last night, I can give you all a better roundup of what’s been happening and what will be happening over the next three and a half weeks.

I’ll deal with the quieter ministries first:

Aside from being spammed by around 50 alerts yesterday afternoon by Wayne starting every possible proposal in the Banana Alliance, its been pretty quiet at the MoFA so far. The proposals to renew our MPPs with both Italy and Venezuela should go to Congress pretty soon.

The MoD has got up and running sharpish and begun churning out orders. Brick is on the hunt for an IRC active dMoD, so if you are interested then drop him a PM. Also feel free to spam him with suggestions for the MoD’s theme for this month.

Been talking a lot with the MoF about expanding our system of TG loans so that we can give larger single amounts of gold to trusted eUKers, with less of a strict repayment policy- also looking into giving loans for 90% Training Contracts for those who have maxed out their TGs. Hopefully we’ll be able to announce something in the next few days.

The possibility of restarting MM fishing was raised with congress, but since it would require a donate law from the CA its really down to congress to decide whether it wants to do so. Huey and the MoF are happy to if asked.

Very happy with how stuff is progressing at the MoEd, daily news updates have been going up and Rathena should have an article out soon detailing an ‘eMentors’ scheme we’ve been discussing- also have talked about establishing a wider ‘program’ that new players can enrol onto to help them develop; with a reward scheme that doesn’t encourage them to fight but steers them towards getting involved with the community and saving gold for their TGs. Much more detail on this will be published in the next week or so.

Thanks for reading y'all, I appreciated it isnt the most interesting of updates but hopefully we should be able to get some ideas to fruition over the next week. Basics are being done and being done right though.

