[UK] An American Werewolf In London

Day 889, 21:39 Published in United Kingdom USA by Jude Connors

Mood Music: tinyurl.com/233mlcy

Last article, I mentioned that I was planning on moving and narrowed it down to a select few nations. Today, I can say that the choice has been made and the move is done. After a quick layover in Singapore City, I am now a resident of London, United Kingdom.

London, United Kingdom. What a beautiful place to live.

Moving to London has already been fantastic. In no time, I had found labour at a food company. I got some sweet digs on Abbey Road and have some cool neighbours. Best of all, there is a cable channel on the telly completely devoted to old Dr. Who reruns.

My neighbours and I. They're cool blokes.
Maybe we can put a band together

I invite all my old American buddies tired of the USA to join me over in Her Majesty's Kingdom. I know of two people already who told me they are coming over here. I've got a sweet flat and your quarters are ready, so come on over. The rest of you who want to stay American but still be in touch can get me over a trunk call.

A Retrospective of The Colonies
A group of lads by the name of Led Zeppelin said it best: "Good times, bad times; you know I had my share". Working in the Cabinet and as a Congressman was usually good times. Hosting my show and creating The Salvation Army were very good times. Rage quitting and losing the Speaker of the House election were bad times.

To My New Neighbors
I am experienced in many facets of government in the USA. I hope to be an active member of Her Majesty's Parliament in the near future. I am currently awaiting citizenship, but once I become a Brit, I plan on joining The Unity Party as of right now. Have no fear... this is NOT infiltration. I stand before you with no ill intentions; all I ask is openness, trust, and help acclimating.

Till Next Time...
Take A Sad Song...
And Make It Better!!!
Jude Connors

British chicks are hot - I don't care what you say!