[Tutorial] : Scam

Day 1,157, 13:57 Published in United Kingdom Greece by Kravenn

For the first time in my newspaper, I will not publish an original article.
Some days ago, I read in a French newspaper an article of Kev2969 about the scam.
I asked him if I can make a english translation and publish it in UK.
So, I would like to suggest you to subscribe to his excellent newspaper


I publish an article in collaboration with Nanotik. This article will talk about a current problem and this one is not very well known : It’s the Scam. You can see that on small offers but also in large state’s loans. This problem begins to be a big one because these last times, there were 3 high values thefts (from 250 to 700 golds) and each of them were made by the same way. Unfortunately, there was no communication about that, Scams continue and almost impossible to stop that.

Kev2969 decided to write a tutorial to explain to you the technics used by these scammers

This is happened last Monday morning at 10.30-11 AM (and several times recently) on the #efrance channel

Drashhh_IIl_Makedonski joined the room.
Drashhh_IIl_Makedonski Hello
Drashhh_IIl_Makedonski: macedonia wants a loan
Drashhh_IIl_Makedonski: for 1 day
Drashhh_IIl_Makedonski: with 3% interest
Drashhh_IIl_Makedonski: PM for details
Drashhh_IIl_Makedonski: 100g now - 103g tomorrow
kev2969: No
Drashhh_IIl_Makedonski: 1000g now - 1030g tomorrow
kev2969: Don't listen him
Avaritia: Lyne_Faynel Can you kick Drashhh_IIl_Makedonski ?
Drashhh_IIl_Makedonski: i can do it
Drashhh_IIl_Makedonski: .kick
Drashhh_IIl_Makedonski left the room.
AndroParano: 😛

The citizen who asked for a loan is a scammer who try to be considered as current macedonian Country President

Most of scammers are people who try to receive small amounts because it is more simple (it is more simple to ask to someone from 1 to 10G than 300)

This is an example
Lex_: selling house (50 wellnes per 50 days) 10,5 gold,weapon (100 power,5 uses) 0,8 gold very good price,very cheap 🙂

This guy sent the same private message to every people on the French channel. You can see that prices of his item are below the current price and it is suspicious.

You can’t be sure at 100% that he is a scammer but probabilities are high. Do not think that you will make the biggest opportunity of your e-live. If you have some doubts : Refuse his deal.

There is also another category of scammers, they can be considered as “pro”
These scammers are people who scam countries and/or rich people. The money stolen by these guys are more like hundreds of golds instead of one or 2

It’s this category that we will explain here.

Here are the Tim Paulsen’s logs (French MoD) who explain how the theft was made (thanks to him to authorize to publish this conversation)
PS : Naischa is the second in command.

[21:21:20] he asked on the general channel if French state may lend golds for few hours
[21:21:27] for their campaign, because he has no access to golds
[21:21:27] erf
[21:21:32] To be sure that he as the real one
[21:21:33] Yes I see....
[21:21:38] I asked him to send me a PM IG
[21:21:49] and it was the real Macedonian CP…
[21:21:51] Oo
[21:21:56] after, I joined the macedonian channel
[21:21:59] He was hacked ?
[21:22:00] and he was owner
[21:22:10] in reality,
[21:22:24] the guy had a conversation with me (as Macedonian CP) and another one with the real CP where he was me.
[21:22:42] The Real CP said that « we » talked about UK and France joining EDEN
[21:22:53] Euh
[21:23:00] He had the same nickname OO ?
[21:23:01] and it was easy for the real CP to send a private message to prove that it was him
[21:23:01] Ah yes
[21:23:05] It is Possible with rizon... ???
[21:23:08] On IRC : Yes but in reality : NO
[21:23:19] The CP : it is Drashhh_III_Makedonski
[21:23:27] soit Drashhh_iii_Makedonski
[21:23:27] OMG, the guy is twisted Oo
[21:23:36] but him, his nickname is Drashhh_lii_Makedonski
[21:23:39] and on IRC, you can’t see the difference
[21:32:26] and it’s when I watched on the forum where I registed the conversation
[21:23:55] that I saw the difference ...
[21:24:02] So, it was too late...
[21:24:02] That’s why I thought that he was the chan’s owner.
[21:24:10] a "pro"
[21:24:21] Hubert was a victim of the same guy, he robbed him 400G ( Same guy, same technical)
[21:24:37] 1100 golds lost for France and these golds will serve to give weapons to Romanians …

Perfect scammer's Guide. (Don't try this at home !!!)

The process used by this scammer is always the same :

First of all, he will contact you under a nickname of high ranked citizen of an allied country (by example : the Country President). He will say that he needs a loan (often a large amount for the next battle and you will back your gold soon after it)

You are suspicious : You are not a noob and you will not give 500G to the first guy who ask for. You will ask to prove his ingame identity.

The Scammer will talk with the president of this country (for which he tries to pretend ... under your username)
He will find an excuse to send you a Private message ingame to show you that currently he talks with you

You will receive a Private Message of the Real President of the allied country. This time, you are sure that it's real and he needs your help. You offer him the Gold's loan.

You will never see these GOLD again, the Scammer scored his scam

This is happened the last month to Koratos, who was contacted by the scammer, Koratos gave him 250G from the French treasury, to help a allied country for a battle.
The theft will not be discovered during his term. It is only by a 250G donation of a French player than the amount has been recovered.

So, It give us 3 thefts who were made in France by the same way
- Hubert : 400G
- Tim Paulsen : 700G
- December 2010’s government :250G

It is 1350 french golds lost and they will help to give weapons to Romanians tanks on the battlefield. We suppose that there were other ones (who were not signalled)
We ask you to be very careful in that kind of “offer”. The mentioned scammer is very intelligent and vicious. I hope that this tutorial will help you

Kev2969 and Nanotik

Translation : Kravenn