[TUP] Kravenn for Y&H August 2010

Day 1,007, 18:12 Published in United Kingdom Greece by Kravenn

These last days were very intense: Canada attacks us; we begin to take back some regions.
In some hours, there will be Congress elections. You will choose citizens who will represent you to the House of Commons. I have decided to run for a 8th term in UK (and 6th in our beloved region of Yorkshire and Humberside)

My experience

7 times Member of Parliament (5 times for Yorkshire and Humberside)
3 times congressmember in UNL (union between Belgium and Netherlands)
2 times PP in UNL
1 time formateur (the politician appointed by the President to make a coalition program between different parties)
Ex-member of SAS.
Ex-brigadier in UK army.

My beliefs

Education and Participation.
Education because it is the basic of the e-world : New citizens begins to play, often they are lost, they loose health and happiness, they have no idea what to do and they leave erepublik. Helping them is important, because once they know what and “how to manage their citizen”, they are more motivated to continue to play.

Participation : In these hard times, where Canada tries to invade us, we need to be stronger to give them a good lesson. With more people on the UK forum, it is more people to kick them out of our beloved country.

My promises for this month

1- Vote every proposal through Parliament and in game (I voted 100% of this month’s proposals)
2- Contact people from Yorkshire and Humberside, asking them to move to London (our fortress) to protect UK and invite them to the UK Forum
3- Improve my last V2 tutorial, make smaller and more comprehensive tutorials
4- Defend UK Citizens, especially new ones

Thank you for reading my manifesto and I really hope that you will choose me on August 25 to continue to represent Yorkshire and Humberside.

A TUP official candidate