[Sale] Weapon packs!

Day 4,162, 09:32 Published in Netherlands Poland by Shawtyl0w

Dear citizens of the Netherlands,

Every day I have 40 Q7 weapons on sale for eNL citizens. These 40 weapons will be sold in weapon packs of 10 Q7 weapons. For the mathmaticians among us, yes that is 10 weapon packs. Each eNL citizen has the right to purchase one weapon pack from me. The goal of this project is to provide cheaper weapons to eNL citizens who fight in ground battles. If you purchase these weapon packs just to sell them again on the market I will stop selling them to you. These weapons are offered at a discount for you to use them. First I thought I would sell weapons at 10cc below the global market price of that day. I think it's easier to just figure out a number that works and sell them at that price untill that price is not favourable for you guys.

At the moment I'll set the price at 70cc per weapon meaning a supply pack will cost you 700cc.

Currently there are 4/4 packs available. If you want a pack simply send me the money (you don't need to PM me). If I receive a donation of 700cc I will send you 10 weapons. However If I already received 4 donations that particular day I will reject your donation. Every day the first come first serve principle is used. Each new day starts and ends at erepublik Day Change (00:00).

Thank you for reading

Yours truly,
