[SAGP]There I am, Up on the stage

Day 2,033, 17:17 Published in South Africa Canada by Cody Caine

Mood Music

Running for Party President

Oddly enough 2 years ago I founded the Revolutionary Party, and then followed that up by running for Party President 2 days later, I won naturally as the party was two days old and tiny. History aside I now run to be Party President of the South African Gold Party once more. And I am asking members to vote for me tomorrow.
The Plan Going Forward
The South African Gold Party has run on a loose standard since its rebirth:
"Ascending from the ashes of the once proud Gold Party, we Rise to fight for the pride, dignity and equality of our sacred lands." This was acceptable at the time, but now we must and will progress forward. We must establish an official party charter, this must be the first order of business.

The party will stand for equality for all eSouth Africans. We will defend those who strive to better South Africa, and strike down those who feed its decline with selfish agendas.

Others campaign for Anti Brazil movements, I personally do not believe that is the responsibility of a party as a whole to pursue, that is a issue left to Cabinets and Congress-folks. I believe a party should focus on its members, and community based ideals. So if elected that is what I will focus on, the party and community stuff.

My Party Vice President will be asked to assist in all major functions of this nature.

My Secretary General will be tasked with maintaining party structure, coordinating to make sure party members are being respectful to each other, and in the end be the enforcer of the charter.

My Councillor will be tasked with congressional relations between the party, its congress members, congress as a whole, and the cabinet, to make sure we are helping maintain order, and not seen as a threat to the nation. However we will not give up the safety of our party to benefit another party unnecessarily.

My Spokesman will be tasked with producing party articles, recruitment efforts, and working with community projects.
Join SAGP!

South Africa