[Re-post] Personal Game Settings

Day 4,138, 03:40 Published in Netherlands Poland by Shawtyl0w
Dear citizens of the Netherlands,

On Day 3,495 I published the following article to help you set the best(personal) user settings for this game.

I'd like to show you a little something that made my e-life a little bit easier. Not only that it also made it more pleasant as I don't get pop-up messages all the time.

Here is what we are going to do:

As you can see in the third picture, there are several settings you can turn on/off. I recommand you to use the same* settings as are displayed in the picture since they will give you all the important information and also offer one less click when trying to do your Daily Order.

* If you don't have maxed-out training grounds (all level 4) you might want to turn the training contract alert off as well. This contract is not interesting for you yet.

Yours truly,
