[PSA/MATH] Should you sign a training contract?

Day 1,795, 01:10 Published in Japan Japan by ahava3233

SHORT VERSION: If you are not using the Special Forces Center (The training ground that costs 1.79 Gold daily), do not bother signing a contract, you will lose money and gain nothing; else more information ahead.

Hey all, ahava3233 here. In any case, I really wanted to write an article about something (I honestly enjoy writing articles in this game, lol) for about a week now but I didn't have anything to write about since my last one 12 days ago. Well, seems something has again come up that I can take the time to write about. This time, it will be advice regarding whether you should sign a training contract or not and if it is worthwhile, how much you would save by signing one.

Well, the first thing you should understand before you put your name down on a training contract to try to get a discount on training is the cost if you don't sign one over the course of 30 days...well, here are the total gold costs, disregarding returns in super soldier medals.

Climbing Center Only: 5.7
Shooting Range Only: 26.7
Special Forces Center Only: 53.7
Climbing Center and Shooting Range: 32.4
Climbing Center and Special Forces Center: 59.4
Shooting Range and Special Forces Center: 80.4
All Three: 86.1

Okay, now the prices for the contracts are the following.

50% discount: 25 Gold
90% discount: 53 Gold

So given those prices, the gross training prices (including contract cost) are the following for the 50% discount, options where you will save money are bolded and the exact discount is given.

Climbing Center Only: 27.85
Shooting Range Only: 38.35
Special Forces Center Only: 51.85 (1.85 Gold savings)
Climbing Center and Shooting Range: 41.2
Climbing Center and Special Forces Center: 54.7 (4.7 Gold Savings)
Shooting Range and Special Forces Center: 65.2 (15.2 Gold Savings)
All Three: 68.05 (18.05 Gold Savings)

Furthermore, for the 90% discount. Savings over base price AND the 50% discount are bolded.

Climbing Center Only: 53.57
Shooting Range Only: 55.67
Special Forces Center Only: 58.37
Climbing Center and Shooting Range: 56.24
Climbing Center and Special Forces Center: 58.94 (.46 Gold Savings over base price)
Shooting Range and Special Forces Center: 61.04 (4.16 Gold Savings over 50% and 19.36 Gold Savings Total)
All Three: 61.61 (6.44 Gold Savings over 50% and 24.49 Gold Savings Total)

Thus, we can conclude that assuming you use the same regimen everyday, the 50% contract is worth your gold if you use the Special Forces Center but not the Shooting Range, and the 90% contract is worth your gold if you use both. Adding the Climbing Center into your regimen in either case will further increase the savings you will incur by signing a contract.

Addendum: Well, it is pretty much common sense for most people nowadays that you shouldn't use the Special Forces Center if you're not first using the Climbing Center and the Shooting Range. Thus, another useful question to answer. How much would I be nominally spending on training in the Special Forces Center if I add it to my regimen while I already am spending on the two other facilities during the duration of a 90% contract (given this is the most profitable if you're using both the Special Forces Center and the Shooting Range)? Also, if I drop Shooting Range for the Special Forces center, how much would I be paying then to use the Special Forces Center on a 50% contract?

Well, we can compute this by taking the difference between the price of using all three with a 90% contract and the price of using the first two base price and dividing that difference by 30. This value turns out to be
about .97 Gold/day. Using similar math, we determine that you would be spending roughly 1.63 Gold/day, or .743 Gold more daily if we switch facilities.

Now, one last note, if you don't have a consistent regimen, what is the break even price for a 50% and 90% contract (so we can determine when we should sign a 90% over a 50😵 and at what base price should you sign a 50% contract? Well we can certainly compute these values by solving the following algebraic expressions.


x turns out to be 50 and y turns out to be 70. Thus, if you are spending between 50 and 70 Gold (base price without contract) on your training regimen in 30 days, get a 50% contract, if you're spending more than 70 Gold base price, get a 90% contract, and if you're spending less than 50 Gold base price, just don't sign one.

That's all for now. Get back to training Soldier, we have a country to liberate! o7!

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