[MoLA] New Citizenship Procedure

Day 1,915, 14:46 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Department for Education

So - here you go. Please read the whole document carefully!

I'd love to hear your feedback!

Aims and objectives

- To create a system which upholds congressional freedom but at the same time gives the government control over immigration when required.
- To educate congress on matters which they can be educated on with regards to congress but to also educate on the reasoning behind overall state control in some circumstances.
- To create an easy to view, transparent and accountable system for immigration which draws on the knowledge of numerous members of the eUK community
- To provided useful information to those giving out citizenship

This system combines the best parts of both viewpoints on immigration - allowing government control when its required but for the majority of the time allows congress to decide. This will also be backed up with a couple of congressional education articles allowing them to make an informed choice.


The government, through a ministerial body, will allocate a yes/no decision along with a level of authority. This will be on a sliding descending scale from 3 to 1 with 3 being the lowest level of authority and 1 the highest.

As such congress will see

Mr IwantUKCit || Info about the person here || Yes 3
gimmeyourgold || Info about the person here || No 3
Ienjoytrolling ||Info about the person here || No 2 Reason if pos
Ambssdr2yourmum || Info about the person here || Yes 1 Reason if pos
Allyourcountries || Info about the person here || No 1 Reason if pos

More information about the levels are as follows:

3) We’ve done a check, you should too.

Basically this is a basic check that all congress can do and make up their own mind. The Gov’s position is indicated but it is up to yourself to determine if the individual should be let into the country.

2) We’ve done a check an😛 found something out/are a bit worried/something important to consider

Make sure you check thoroughly and get some more information. Contact the gov if you’re not sure or you want to discuss it further. In this case we’ll put the reason down in the column if possible - but it might be sensitive so check with us! Ultimately the decision still rests on congress though - and it will be up to congress members to make their own minds up based on all the information that they find out and is made available to them.

1) We’ve got our reasons - please follow this directive

This is the only level where to government is trying to have authority over your button pushes - and it’ll be for a damn good reason. Unfortunately these reasons are not always able to be discussed with congress. Sometimes its known PTO groups or people of interest moving into the country. Sometimes it might be a changing alliance. It might be that the person is an ambassador/state official. It could be any number of reasons, but if this one comes up, please follow the sheet!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Level 1 directives will ONLY come from the CP.


As such reporting will only be done on levels 1 and 2, with it made clear to the public that level 2 is advisory and up to congress to decide, whereas 1 is a Country President directive and expected to be followed.

There is at this point in time no real methodology to how to enforce this other than to inform the citizens and to inform the Party Presidents. However we believe that the balance can be struck to ensure that congress makes the majority of the decisions autonomously and as the CP only intervenes in exceptional circumstances and is an elected official of the country as well they will respect his/her decisions.


A straw poll of all congress members to quickly assess if the system has been used and if they feel that it is useful.


A new application form has been filled in. You can find it at: http://gov.erepublik.co.uk/services/

The reasoning behind hosting it there is so that every month new MoLA’s if they wish or if they need to can create a new gdoc and have it hosted in the same place. So even if the forms change and the application goes to a new spreadsheet the actual form can be located under the same link! Yey for consistency!

For the time being the responses can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/bpxwwvo


If you have any feedback please feel free to drop me a PM, Post in the congress threads, use the article comments or use the forum discussion found here: http://tinyurl.com/czxqrpf

Many Thanks

~ Madacaion