[MoFA] Want allies? Fight for them

Day 1,155, 14:46 Published in Ireland Canada by irishbhoy1967


- Ireland
-- Poll Results
-- Staff
-- What's been done so far
-- How to make allies
-- ICA announcement

Poll Results

Total Participants: 53
Thank you to those who participated. There were some excellent views in there and I believe that Ireland has a very educated populace when we aren't at each others throats.

FA Staff


Chief Bottlewashers(vMoFA):
John Gormley


John Gormley

Ivan Blair


The Balkans:
Chris Cuthbertson

Nanar(French Speaker)

d.7.b(Polish Speaker)

Everywhere else:
All of us

Anyone else that wants to help out, apply anytime.

What's been done so far
Initial contact made with every President and MoFA in the game.

Countless hours spent on IRC speaking to other MoFAs to express our desire to improve relations.

Initial agreement made on Canadian landswap.

Streamlining of gathering the required information for the Ministry, which can be easily used from month to month regardless of who the MoFA is(Ambassadors, check PMs).

Identified and targeted countries where we can make lasting friendships and made them aware that the Irish Army will be made available to them in times of need. Expect to see Irish Soldiers fighting in some new places soon.

How to make allies
No MoFA, no matter how good they are can just magically make a country have good allies. In this game, the only way to make good allies is to show unequivocal support on the battlefield when it matters the most. Anything else is just airy fairy stuff. Influence talks, bullsh*t walks. Soldiers are the true Ambassadors of any country. Building up friendships takes time, and willingness to support each other through good and bad. Of all the PMs I sent around, the best responses have been, perhaps unsurprisingly, from EDEN nations(apart from a couple of notable exceptions, which I intend to work on). It is the only alliance with which we are currently involved. It is now the longest standing alliance in the world. At this time, anything other than showing our complete and unequivocal support for the alliance would be foolish. Instead of pondering too much about what might happen with regards to new alliances, how bout we focus on the alliance that we already have? Marcus has been working very hard to build bridges with EDEN nations, as have I. Currently we are showing our support for Bulgaria. Bosnia and Ukraine are just 2 other countries who could use some help when the time comes. So instead of coming on here and arguing with each other until we have another impeachment/Civil War/ragequit/robbery/wiping, how bout we show a united front in support of our allies/possible allies?

Step 1:
Irish DoD Orders
Check them everyday.

Step 2:
Join #Irish Army for full instructions. *Link Fixed

Step 3:
Whoever we are fighting for, get on their Orders articles to show support and let them know that the Irish are in town.

Croatian Orders --- Bulgarian Orders --- Ukranian Orders --- Italian Orders --- Bosnian Orders --- Canadian Orders --- Greek Orders --- Chinese Orders --- Finnish Orders --- Aussie Orders --- Romanian Orders --- Swedish Orders --- US DoD Orders --- Spanish Orders --- Polish Orders

Step 4:
Whoever we are fighting for get on their IRC and do the same.

#eHrvatska --- #Erepublik-bulgaria --- #eUkraine --- #Erepublik-it --- #eRepublik.eBih --- #ecan --- #eGreece --- #echina --- #ausrep --- #eRomania --- #usa-chat --- #epl

Step 5:
Do your damage on the field with the tri-colour flying high.

We need to make our presence felt as much as possible. We have managed to make great friends in certain countries, such as Croatia. Now lets do the same with every other potential ally. One. At. A. Time.

This is a call for all ICA Soldiers. We will be giving our full support to the Irish Army and I would like to encourage everyone involved in the ICA to join as soon as possible. Sign Up Here *Form Fixed

Irish Minister of Foreign Affairs