[MoFA] Ambassadors Wanted

Day 1,025, 16:46 Published in Canada Canada by irishbhoy1967

Canadians, would you like to have affairs with foreigners? I've got what you want right here. An Ambassadorship in our FA department. Here is just a few examples* of the possibilities-






*Insert the male stereotypical equivalent^ if you are a female seeking an Ambassadorship

To apply for an Ambassadorship, just send me a message with your application. Taking a position will help your country and being an Ambassador is pretty easy and only takes a little effort and activity. It could just be a stepping stone to something better or if you prefer it could be a position you keep for a long time to come.

To all existing Ambassadors, please check your inbox on the eCan Forum. You will be given first preference on your position so long as you show some activity. Post the list of Government Ministers of the nation of your Ambassadorship in the relevant thread on the forums.

Do it! I can't handle all these affairs by myself.

Is mise,