[MoD] Battle orders for day 2,765 / 2,766 [EDIT 03:10 eRep time]

Day 2,764, 14:57 Published in Japan Japan by Battleship Force

Dear citizens of eJapan, allies and friends,

First I want to pronounce that I have organized making of epic battle in D1, at the start of the next eRepublik week. CO will be 150cc/1 million dmg, until battle go to epic. So, everyone is invited, to earn cc, or to shoot in epic battle in the beginning of the eRep week. CO will be set on 99% for the Japan in RW Hokkaido in our TW with Russia. Battle will begin in 00:00-00:05 eRepublik time.

This is organized from private donations, not a single cc of the state money will be spent.

EDIT: This epic project was successful, battle went to epic in the first 5 minutes 🙂

MoD Battle orders for today are:

for Hungary, AS

for Sweden in RW Syddanmark

for Japan in RW Kanto

IMPORTANT: Please look first walls in battles according to the priorities, and hit in the battle where the wall in your division is the lowest at that time, so that all of us use personal military power on the most effective way. Priorities for the battles are changing according to the current standing on the battles that are on eJapanese MoD battle orders

MoD of eJapan

Silent Warrior