(MoCGI)A plan for eIndia

Day 2,005, 18:10 Published in India India by Maxi Tippkick Maximillian

Well hello everyone Parth here.I am here with an analysis of eIndia's past 3 months.2 of our presidents,Hamturk and Alector, have been impeached due to inactiveness.Our current CP,AV,recently resigned.This is not a good biodata for eIndia.What are we going to do?

Currently that's my question.We have a strong congress,almost too strong if you ask me.CP's do not want to interact with the congress.Why?The congress is very offensive on any issue.To preserve the idea of democracy we are suppressing the idea of improvising.

We have to spend money.It might seem like draining resources but if we are able to sign enough mutual protection pacts and set up defense systems then we won't be invaded.So then we would be able to build our economy back and lure in foreign companies.eIndia has a import tax of 99%.Isn't that showing opportunity.eIndia is trying to build a market out of nothing.We need foreign investors.The Vikings and the European tribes used to trade on an island in the middle.That island become incredibly rich.We could be that island.

eIndia has stored a lot of money.We think that we can't generate it back.If we can't sustain running a country what is the point of saving.eIndia cannot be so careful with its money.This is my opinion.I believe that this is what eIndia needs right now.

Jai Hind

Your Firelord Parth