[Kravenn/Kevy] Economic manifesto

Day 1,504, 14:09 Published in United Kingdom Greece by Kravenn

This is my second manifesto and like the titles says, it will talk about economics.

With the unfortunate events running up to the 25th this month, we were unable to have congress elections. That mean that from December 26 to January 26 : we can’t move Gold or GBP from country accounts to our organisations. This is an issue but thanks to months of saving we have enough to survive. However, during this month I plan to cut where funding is not as important and focus on schemes like those mentioned in my domestics manifesto (here) because I feel that young citizen’s progression is vital to our future success.

Once we get to the 26th we should hopefully be able to gain congress again and have the ability to dedicate more GBP to different schemes if need be.

Current Economic schemes

Oil and Iron Scheme

There will be a change in this scheme : Even if Oil and Iron Scheme works well and give opportunity to a young citizen to use his Weapon Raw Material for Weapons or sell them on the market.
However, to help him/her in his/her progression : we will add a Fruit orchard. It will help the progression of the young citizen and (s)he will not need to invest 2000GBP for this company to upgrade his/her towncenter on Quality 4

Embargo every hostile country

Even with high import taxes, we have no reason to give our GBP to countries who want to wipe us. If I am elected I am going to follow what started a few months ago and embargo all TEDEN countries to avoid them making a profit on our market.

Our currency, even if we have enough, we need to take care (especially without congress)

Continue the scheme “Government Discount weapons”

This was the latest scheme launched by our Minister of Finance. For christmas, the admins proposed a new quality of weapon and food. However, the price of Q6 tanks can be high which is why I want to continue the scheme to cut the price if you buy your Q6 tanks directly to the government, with the more tanks you buy, the cheaper the price (per weapon) is

Land Grants

Due to the overwhelming demand for this scheme I want to limit the amount of land grants per citizens to 5 whilst we have no congress. Once we have congress again we can increase the limit. It’s a difficult decision to make but I’ve seen it as one of the best ways to reduce our spending temporarily whilst thinking of younger citizens at the same time. If you think about it a lot of younger citizens are not even going to purchase more than land grants at a time and this scheme pretty much benefits the older citizens of this country.

Just some clarification. If you received more than 5 land from the scheme, you need to wait 20 days. If you received less than 5 land, you can still subscribe to the scheme, no change (only limited to 5 during 20 days)

Reduce MPP costs

I don’t want huge changes but we need to reduce number of our MPPs. Don’t be afraid, MPPs with our main allies will be signed (ONE MPPs) but we have some MPPs with countries who are currently wiped. I am not against signing MPPs with them once they are back on the map or if they specially request our help. But it will not be an automatic renew.

But cut only where it is needed

Cut “work in ministry” scheme

Some months ago, this scheme was created : every citizen who worked in a minister received 500GBP at the end of the term and the best worker (of each ministry) received 1000 GBP. I am not opposed at this scheme, but without congress, I want to cut where it is needed. This cut could save us the price of one MPP (10.000 GBP).

Taxes Debate
Like I already said, without congress : We can't change taxes. However, once we will have one (on January 26), I will launch a thread about that.

Cabinet applications :
I am still looking for citizens who are interested in joining my Cabinet.

These positions are still available
- Minister of Defence (2 places)
- Minister of Foreign Affairs (2 places)
- Minister of Finances (1 place + 1 assistant)
- Minister of Home Affairs (2 places)
- Minister of Legislative Affairs (1 place)
- Minister of Media(1 place)

I would like to have a mix of old guards and some new fresh faces : Everybody has his/her chance to be selected.

To Apply for a job : Send me a private message on the forum explaining what job do you want (and why) and what is your current experience.

Candidate for Prime Minister