[Kravenn/Kevy] Domestic Manifesto

Day 1,502, 10:48 Published in United Kingdom Greece by Kravenn

Dear Britons, like the title of this article suggests, I will talk about the domestic plans that I would like to accomplish during the next term

Introducing the Minister of Media

The Ministry of media is the new thing I plan to introduce this month. For a while now it appears we have had a lack of communication from the government (mainly in game) so I would like to resolve that issue by introducing a new ministerial position dedicated to the issue. The person chosen will be in charge of the government communication and will collaborate with Woldy/Jimbojoy for their podcast and in other projects such as the NNA.

Giving a better place to media is important (especially on these hard times)

Government communication is a very important to get right. If I win I plan to continue daily reports on the forums whilst releasing a weekly update ingame to help inform newer players of what is going on. Speaking of the forums please sign up here as it will increase your enjoyment of the game. http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/

Forum missions

Having more people on the forum and irc is a great proof of activity. Everyone will tell you that. However, it can be hard for our young citizens to join IRC or make their presence on our forum. I'd like to bring back the forum award system and create some small missions for young citizens with rewards when they complete beneficial tasks for our own retention (such as joining the forums) Fresh blood is always welcome and especially in eUK

Update and upgrade the current library

The library is an excellent source of information for young (and old) citizens, however I would like to update every article and transform the current library into a web portal based on the Polish one. This will provide more clarity for readers, and a more professional look. Despite the move over to a better platform for this information the original authors will be credited for their work with rewards.

Having a bigger and better library to help young (and old) citizens

Weapons and food scheme

As you probably know : « Call for arms » was organised with gold given by congress members and it has been a fantastic way of improving our daily damage over the past few months. Despite our size we pack a punch. I know that the map doesn’t currently show this but if it was not for this scheme we would have been wiped long before last week.

Even with no congress, I would like to have a similar idea to give an opportunity for our citizens to receive free weapons to win back our regions. Giving citizens the ability to get actively involved in helping the UK is a great way to make sure people don’t get bored. The wipe is a brand new experience for the UK and should be capitalized more on.

Offer a new scheme, especially for young citizens

I also want to make sure a food scheme is available that is directly aimed at younger citizens. Without stability in economic bonuses we are producing a fair bit less than what we should be and it will be hitting young citizens with the free Q1 food company a lot. (Think about it, they’re losing 40-60 Q1 food a day. That is 8-12 hits!)

New players

A few days ago, I saw a link (for top-list) which could have given us a chance to have babyboom, I would like to have a small department in home affairs totally dedicated to recruitment and retention. This team will be dedicated to actively looking for similar “polls” to try and get the elusive boom.

More activity in eUK to build a stronger country

A small note on retention, I’d like to continue the current mentoring scheme as it has been doing a great job for the past few months and has allowed a few new bright talents step up to the scene with the older generation.

Cabinet applications :
I am still looking for citizens who are interested in joining my Cabinet.

These positions are still available
- Minister of Defence (2 places)
- Minister of Foreign Affairs (2 places)
- Minister of Finances (1 place + 1 assistant)
- Minister of Home Affairs (2 places)
- Minister of Legislative Affairs (1 place)
- Minister of Media(1 place)

I would like to have a mix of old guards and some new fresh faces : Everybody has his/her chance to be selected.

To Apply for a job : Send me a private message on the forum explaining what job do you want (and why) and what is your current experience.

Candidate for Prime Minister