[Kravenn/Kevy] Defence / Foreign Affairs Manifesto

Day 1,506, 15:05 Published in United Kingdom Greece by Kravenn

Hello dear Britons and this is the last chapter of my manifestos. This month, we joined ONE but our enemies (including old allies) decided to invade our beloved country. Teden finds logic and fair to invade a country on 3 fronts on the same time because it is “more equilibrate” for them. They call that courage : I call that cowardice. 2500 citizens versus 6500 isn’t fair for me. They used the same tactic on Poland and are currently use it against Macedonia.

About Defence, I propose these things

Raise quality and quantity of weapons for UKSF soldiers.

This last month, admin proposed for a limited time to upgrade companies into Q6. Further that, we upgraded one of our companies and for the moment, our Special forces receive some Q6 weapons per day.
With the new structure, I would like to raise current supplies to a maximum of 30 weapons per day to UKSF soldiers and give them a mix of Q6 and Q5 weapons on each day (depending of our finances, I plan to give 10 Q6 weapons per shorts day)

Our new "gift" to our opponents

Salpeter program

Maybe it would be better to add this scheme in Economics, but I preferred to talk about that in this manifesto. The idea is at long term to reduce WRM cost for military and MUs. We give salpeter mines to several citizens (Long time UK citizens and loyal to our country). Each day, they produce WRM that they sell to Military units at a reduced cost. By this way, we give the possibility to cut spend of MUs and citizens who have these saltpeter mines can buy others, in order to buy shorts …

Produce more WRM to reduce military and militia costs

Strategy Subforum

With Military Units, UKSF can work on a side with MUs working on another one. This month, we opened #uk.coop to have a cooperation between army and military units on IRC but about strategy who likes short shorts, I would like to continue to work on this relation and want to create a new subforum where will be invited CP - Ministers of Defence - and every military units leader.

MoD news design

I will not hide it, even if the current design is still good, I would like to change the current one into a new one with priority (in stars, like in Poland, Hungary, …). A more modern design is still good 🙂

About foreign affairs,

Foreign Affairs, the last chapter of my 3 manifestos

All of our regions back

This month, we joined ONE, but our enemies worked to wipe us. Like my goals say : I want to have back our regions. So, with 2500 citizens : it is very hard for us to have back our regions alone.
There is no other ways that having more cooperation between eUK and other ONE and Pro-ONE countries. By example, helping Poland to have a border with France and take the opportunity to have back our regions (London is UK, not French).
My message to Frenchs : Stop reading this article : you have a defeat (or a surrender) to prepare

More MoFA articles

Maybe mainly more important to our young citizens : I would like to see more articles about ONE, their members, Interview with important ONE citizens, … I would like to show to our citizens (and mainly to the young ones) the importance of foreign affairs for our country. Foreign affairs is not only signing MPP

Cabinet applications :
I am still looking for citizens who are interested in joining my Cabinet.

These positions are still available
- Minister of Defence (2 places)
- Minister of Foreign Affairs (2 places)
- Minister of Finances (1 place + 1 assistant)
- Minister of Home Affairs (2 places)
- Minister of Legislative Affairs (1 place)
- Minister of Media(1 place)

I would like to have a mix of old guards and some new fresh faces : Everybody has his/her chance to be selected.

To Apply for a job : Send me a private message on the forum explaining what job do you want (and why) and what is your current experience.

Candidate for Prime Minister