[KHMC] Operation Cougar's Legacy

Day 2,098, 23:19 Published in Australia Australia by Lord TJ

When elected I made a promise: no soldier would be left behind or forgotten. Those who know the KnightHawks and our history know that we're family. Whether people left the unit and stayed in the party, or vice versa, our mission is simple..


From the born KnightHawk leaders like Sam Cougar, Henry the 8th, Savonrepus, Ronnyjnrjnr, Sir_C0nstant, Binda33, Tim Holtz, scottty, Callumh123, Styvesant, LanyisLost .. to our new Hawks taken flight like 0tsoa and bk83 .. we are family, from within our veins pumps blood greater than any association - the blood of the most powerful friend of man to have ever taken flight - the Hawk.

Forget the Bible and look to the message: every member of this corps and this party is family. Past or present, right or wrong, ill or right - they are a KnightHawk - no matter what they wear today or where they are based. It's in your blood and it's a place where everyone matters and every true Hawk cares.

We have lost too many friends throughout time to RL and e-death. We remember them. But now the time has come for a great awakening - it's here friends. The call has sounded - it's time to come back home.

James Freeman Clarke once said, "A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation". KnightHawks have bore the name of success in the vain of this quote. It's not only today we need to care for, it's the KnightHawks of tomorrow.

So today I issue this message to all the people of this great nation and around the world ..

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing - fly home.

If you have never been a KnightHawk of corps or party - come and see what it means to be a part of this family in the KHMC. If you never go, you'll never know.

The KnightHawks of old are coming back together, along with the new generation, we'll build today, tomorrow and the day after that.

Why? Because we are KnightHawks. Welcome home to the family o7

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Mick Gatto
KHMC President and Senator