[KHMC] Nominations for Senate/Congress NOW OPEN

Day 2,098, 07:54 Published in Australia Australia by Lord TJ

Nominations for Senate/Congress NOW OPEN

We are now in the Congressional (Senate) candidate nomination period until the 23rd of the month. At that time no one else can nominate. Party presidents set the order of the ballot on the 24th in preparation for the public ticket election in-game on the 25th.

How does it all work?

It's been this way since last year but just for clarification - when you go to the polls you will asked by the game to vote for a party - NOT a candidate. Candidates will of course campaign for themselves and their party but the order of returns (i.e. the quota system) will apportion (the votes received per party / the number of candidates running per party) / total number of votes and seats. (It's more scientific than that but not much more 😛 )

Anyway, the bottom line is each party needs to get their act together to run a decent ticket and have a reasonable campaign. I beg your pardons but one of my pet gripes about democracy is not taking every possible opportunity to work for it. (Something romantic about my RL past XP - it's just what it is).


There's no rules on it so to make it as democratic as possible the following approach will be taken.

On the 24th I will meet with as many KHMC members on Skype as are available (other parties are welcome to come see how its done) and do the following:

1. Prior to the draw, we will meet as a group and I will chair motions for dismissal/blocking as a candidate on grounds of PTO or other illegalities/issues that would harm the party or the country.

Once those are dealt with, I will activate video mode, an😛

1. Write every candidate's name on a piece of paper, scrunch up the paper and place it in a receptacle.

2. Drawing the candidate's names in order. (e.g. first drawn will be #1 and so on).

3. Following the draw, discuss election day as a group. This will be a good time to have a fellowship with newer citizens who are running and the responsibilities that comes with being a Senator.
(Maybe it's the meds but had a watery wink as I just now remembered Sam Cougar and Sir_C0nstant doing the same when I was first elected).


I am hoping to have as a Special Guest to talk with the KHMC candidates, Speaker of the Senate Mikhail Alexander join us to meet you and have a chat.

As the impartial overseer of the Senate, the Speaker is in-charge of helping all Senators and upholding the proceedings of the chamber. I know our younger members will feel it quite a treat if the Speaker is able to take the time to join us.


If other decent parties and their folks want to give their members a chance I'm sure we can help out. KHMC has plenty of quota to spare and last month we were actually 3% over. The ANP over-shot their quota and they are welcome to send some over if they like. GGR (GGP) doesn't have the opportunity being T6 so if Majester and Miss Wolf want a pad to get into it we'd love to have you. Get your Party President to message me just to keep everything above board.

Get active on the forums! The game decisions govern only so much. The direction of policy that allows the branches of government to act are all done in the Senate chamber.

MUST be registered on the forums first. If you don't have an account, click here to register and create one. Best to use your game name as your forum name for easy recognition, then send me a message to add you to the KH member group.

Mick Gatto
KHMC President and Senator