[KHMC] Forum up and running

Day 2,098, 01:51 Published in Australia Australia by Lord TJ


Huzzah! The KHMC forum has been reconstituted. Still hoping that admins make it its own board rather than the illegitimate child of a former political movement (yeah still a CB of the Coalition board) but no matter - it's here! Update: DONE! Thanks admins!

I have done a dump archive of everything pre-now and created new subjects. There are a few posted and I've posted some starter conversations like policy and as previously advised the officer nominations.

MUST be registered on the forums first. If you don't have an account, click here to register and create one. Best to use your game name as your forum name for easy recognition, then send me a message to add you to the KH member group.

Another tick off the list. But wait - there's still more. (no, no steak knives yet - the political irony of that abounds!)

Mick Gatto
KHMC President and Senator