[KaadSpecialNews] Ow Ow Ow I'm back!

Day 2,056, 18:04 Published in Belgium Austria by Kaad

Hello everyone!

Yeah, have you seen, I'm there! I have the eBelgian cs!

Thank you for the quick answer, I have been accepted days ago but I only decided to move now while the party I was party president was secured.

I now there! I need fun! I need my friends! I need belgians jokes in eRep! I need to vote for Raskol in next elections!

Because Belgium is my RL country!
Because my best erep friends are here!
Because I will soon spam your news feed!

This is me, this is Kaad, and I'm too happy to be back!

Be ready 😃 Et vive l'eBelgique!!!