[IRE] Small is not bad!

Day 803, 07:09 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Max Blue
I have been troubled by the recent media in Ireland.

I have read Edana Savage's article and I have read John Jay's.

The fact that Ireland is unhappy and divided is because of what has been made of this nation and its potential.


To get Ireland moving in the right direction a purpose is needed. This purpose does not have to be Sol, Entente, EDEN, Phoenix or whatever group you wish to lump Ireland in. Ireland can be awesome without being dumped into any category.

How can progress be made?

Get people on the forum ( http://ieforums.hobbittown.com/default.aspx?g=forum )

Get people on the IRC channel ( http://widget.mibbit.com/?settings=823d60fbf0d13057732cd50d73a0c3fc&server=irc.rizon.net&channel=%23ireland )

Get people into the military ( http://www.eidf.netii.net/index.html )

Its easier said than done. But if it not done...

And I don't mean doing any of these things on a little scale. The ministries should get working. The beauty of such small nations is that they are easier to organise, and everyone can be trained, kept informed, PMed (private messaged) and grow easier, as the network of communications is smaller.

But I don't have experience

Everyone can play a role in a country. Have a look at the Sweden their average strength is 5.21 and they ranked 17th in the world despite being 24th in population size.

Also neighbours like the UK. While the UK is ranked 12th today it has not always been this way. I remember not so long ago when the UK was 16 or 17th. Recently a massive forum, and military recruitment drive has taken place. Granted there have been rolling wars, but Ireland can do as well if not better.

How can this be done?

You don't have to be in an alliance to get the benefits of war. You do however have to have an organised military that can be stationed in either a country that is in need of help against attackers or where you can gather RM's for weapons to be used by the Irish Army.

China and Ukraine are two of the most neutral nations that have high Iron regions. Having RM workers there cutting out the middle-man in the production of weapons (gathering of Iron to make them) is important as you can spread funds further.

This all sounds a like a good idea for the military but what about average Joe in Ireland who wants to fight!?

Well average Joe should be recruited to the military. Furthermore it would be a good idea to have a MPP with a nation or nations with real wars going on.

As an honourable, neutral nation efforts should be made to help nations currently under threat such as South Africa, France, Slovenia or China. Ireland should not be afraid to aid oppressed nations, remember one side of Ireland is a mighty EDEN nation, the other side a powerful Phoenix one. If either side should attack Ireland the other side can always be called to Irelands aid.

Is Ireland going to have some balls, or wimper off to an alliance?

I also see it that if Ireland is sticking up for 'invaded nation x' I imagen after 'invaded nation x' is liberated (which it will be in time as all regions eventually return to the origional owner) they are going to want to be friends with Ireland.

To conclude,

- Ireland needs large scale military action.

- Ireland does not need Sol, Entente, EDEN or Phoenix.

- What is needed is hard recruiting.


- Clear direction.

Thank you all for reading. I hope you can see logic in at least some of my ideas.