[Important] Government Alert: PTO Threat!

Day 999, 02:32 Published in Singapore Ireland by ChewChewShoe
Greetings citizens of Singapore, I am ChewChewShoe, your Vice President.

Singapore is currently facing what seems to be a PTO threat from unknown organizations.

I write this on behalf of the government, since president iLord Solomon isn't present at this moment.

Two hours and twenty minutes into the elections I can already say that we might be under PTO Threat.
I woke up around 08:30 local time, CET. The elections starts 09:00. It's now 11:20.
I have been watching the elections together with some friends in #eSingapore.

In the following parties there are suspected PTO threats:

Anti-EDEN Party
Singapore National Unity Party

The suspected PTOers would be:

Felix Toh - Anti-EDEN Party - High Priority at the moment.
Shotaro - Anti-EDEN Party - Low Priority at the moment.
Siti Rezkiah - Singapore National Unity Party - Low Priority at the moment.

As of now, the votes in the Anti-EDEN Party looks like this:
Felix Toh - 5 Votes
Fruitcommando - 2 Votes
Shotaro - 0 Votes.

As of now, the votes in the Singapore National Unity Party looks like this:
American Border Collie - 1 Vote
Siti Rezkiah - 1 Vote

Between 10:00 and 1😇0 local time, CET, the candidate Felix Toh gained three votes in the Anti-EDEN Party.
I have never herd of this candidate before, he has never written any article, he doesn't have a newspaper, he isn't advertising or any such thing, and therefore, it's impossible for the candidate to be legitimate in my eyes at the moment.

Siti Rezkiah seems rather legitimate to me, he wrote a manifesto etc. He seems like a good guy, but since I've never herd about him before I have to take it cool there.

Shotaro is completely unknown too, but since he's no threat at the moment, I doubt his intentions are evil.

Fruitcommando is the legitimate candidate for the Anti-EDEN Party and American Border Collie is the legitimate candidate for the Singapore National Unity Party.

Highest priority at the moment:
Anti-EDEN Party

Join the Anti-EDEN Party pronto, and vote for Fruitcommando, for a safer Singapore!

Signing off, ChewChewShoe, Vice President, 11:24 CET