Day 820, 10:45 Published in Greece Croatia by Crocky

Hello again for the last time my dear readers,

This is my last article and starting today, I won't write any article in this newspaper anymore!

Thank you all for your support and for the understanding you've shown to me and my articles.
My publicist era is now over. I realized that eRepublik doesn't need articles like those I wrote so far.

I rarely published political articles and these are the most wanted and voted in these times.

Thank you to all my subscribers and to all my friends. It has been a real pleasure to share with you so many interesting things.

But like any pleasant thing, everything comes to an end. And this moment represents the end of "Immigration News" as you all knew it.

I don't have neither the time or the will to write in here anymore.

I quit because I feel so, no other reason!

Most of my best articles have been written in Greece, and also here was written the article that brought me the MMM. That is why I chose to end this part of Crocky, here.

My croats friend won't be forgotten of course. My most subscribers are from Croatia!

Long live our friendship!

But, thank you all of my readers ever!

Press has lost its genuine right of relating facts through reporters view points.

Reading good news is a matter of taste so it only depends to you if you will be able to find them.Both EDEN and PHOENIX have good newspapers. A good newspaper shapes individuals and sometimes even history. Choose well and enjoy the articles you like!

Farewell my dear readers,



An e😜ublicist