[IAF] Moving Forward

Day 719, 11:53 Published in India India by Indian Armed Forces
Good evening ladies 'n gents! This is your Minister of Defense speaking and I'm here to tell you that I am going to do my very best to try and get as active as possible, because I realize that I haven't been that active lately and I am sorry for that.

Discussion topic
First of all I would like to advise all of you to take a look at this topic: http://forum.erepublikindia.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=1555&start=0. It's a discussion topic I started because I need your comments to optimize the army, since the army consists of you and so you know what is needed or not. So please take a look, you don't even have to post but just take a look.

Wage system
I know a lot of you are asking for a wage system and I do understand the need for it, since fighting is not cheap. That's why I'm working on it, but the problem at the moment is that our Minister of Finances is not as active as I would wish he was and because of that I can not work out the money issues with him. So until I can have a good word with him I can not give out any money yet, because I just don't have money to give out.

If you have any questions, please go to the topic I linked above and ask it there. I will try to answer as good as possible!

Thank you very much

Minister of Defense