[Guide] Wellness

Day 773, 04:09 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Max Blue
So, are you below 95 wellness? Well, if so this article can help you.

There are two ways to help get your wellness up for free. Yes for free!

Below 40 health

If you are below 40 health then send a message to the British Gifting Hub to get free health from the eUK government: send a message here

Free health, no strings attached, funded by the government.

Below 90 health

If you are below 90 health then go to one of the many battles that the eUK is involved in, and fight. Each time you fight you will lose 10 health. This means if you are on 60 health, and you fight ONCE you will be on 50 health. After you have done this go back to the 'battlefield' page, there you will see a 'hospital' icon, click on this. You will get healed up by 50 health. However, be sure NOT to fight again that day as you will not be able to use the hospital and therefore you will lose your high health again.

So, if you started the day with:

between 40 & 59 health fight ONCE then heal - then don't fight again that day.
between 60 & 69 health fight TWICE then heal - then don't fight again that day.
between 70 & 79 health fight THREE TIMES then heal - then don't fight again that day.
between 80 & 90 health fight FOUR TIMES then heal - and yes, you got it, don't fight again.

Above 90 health

Try and buy good quality food of the ,a href=http://www.erepublik.com/en/market/country-29-industry-1-quality-0-citizen_account-9988163>market