[FED] Make us P/H, Orikfricai!

Day 3,214, 04:06 Published in USA USA by fingerguns

So go the Feds, so goes the country.

Ok, so that's not always true, but that's definitely true this month. Super high turnout and a very close race- one of the best we've seen in some time!

That was a very tight election. Even though it was foretold that Orik would win days before the election, the two candidates stayed within just a few points of each other all day long. It was very exciting! If you happened to be on, you may have dropped by the beam channels for giveaways and funsies and were even treated to a bit of a surprise when both candidates appeared on my new best friend Clopo’s show. It was a really good interview, where I think Orik sounded relaxed and ready.

He’s already hit the ground running, sending messages around to his new staff and getting things together for what we’re all sure will be a very good term in the eUS. He has promised us war. I’m blood-thirsty. This works out!

Congress has the sillies and there are a lot of questions about USAF as the last month has seen a major lack of leadership from President Resoula (Is her entire legacy really going to be a game of Cards Against Humanity with roughly 10 people- almost all of them on her staff?), so Orik is stepping into a bit of a mess here. But as one of his staffers and fellow Fed, I know he has support and hard-working people who will follow his lead.

Congrats again, Orik! You put more work into this race than I think you were expecting to, but hard-fought victories are the sweetest of all. You got this, man.

Make us Proud/Horny!

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