[ENTENTE] Bienvenida Bélgica! Nuevo Staff, nuevos planes y la Guerra Mex-Ven

Day 926, 13:20 Published in Venezuela France by Entente Cordiale
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Greetings everyone. Today we have a great news, it's another month thats means collect our salary, pay taxes (not so good eh?) ... and of course, a New Team Work (this is nice :3), a new group that still working for the best of our alliance o/.

This is the New Team for June:
Secretary General: Delexo
Director of Communication: santirub
Director of Finances: Luke Magitem
Director of Foreign Affairs: alezitox
Relationship officer to EDEN: JNArno
Relationship officer to Phoenix: OnlyPokerCanJudgeMe
Relationship officer to Brolliance: Moua Mim
Commander of the Army: dimmustranger
Commander in Chief: The Whole HQ.
Babyboom Advisor: Tim Paulsen
Economical Advisor: Ivan Dusaiks
Military Advisor: Lars87

We salute too, to our former SG Azaret, who did a great Job, Aza: We love you o/.

Another Great News: Belgium Join us !!!! Yeap, the council aproves their entry and now we can says Welcome Belgium ♥, they are now a new Member of ENTENTE (Core Member), the seventh =3. So to know a little bit of they, we interviewed the Belgium president (Apotygma):

santirub: What do you think about the Alliance?
Apotygma: The Alliance. I am someone that like alliances, they are one of the most fun parties in the game. They provide you a community, more action in your eLife and give a higher purpouse to everything you do.
ENTENTE fits perfectly in this vision I have of what an Alliance should do. I know you guys have quite a lot of projects that are about to be launched and this gives a goal to a governement (participate) and all citizens as they can all participate
santirub: Why Belgium want to join ENTENTE?
Apotygma: Belgium wanted to join in this optic. We are a very small country and living on our own in a close community is not an option if we want to survive in the long run. We need to be able to give our citizens something to participate in, feel involved, something you actually need something bigger for.
ENTENTE gives this, and it also allows us to remain neutral in the EDEN/PHX fight and not frustrate the origine of our citiznes (some come from EDEN some from PH😵.
ENTENTE also gave us the opportunity to get closer to one of our biggest neighbours ! Something I wanted to work on. A lot of Belgians are living in France and we should have very good relations. Entente more globaly seems to be composed of countries we can only have good realtions with and learn from
santirub: How do you see your (Belgium) Future in ENTENTE?
Apotygma: Belgium has a quite active community. We have a small population but it is quite active on our national forums, even to active sometimes that it becomes frighting. I want to give ENTENTE this enthousiasm and this involvement in something. We are not a huge military power, we have young citizens that are still taking the first steps in this world. But this enthousiasm can give ENTENTE a boom as it will make it more active.
Also, Belgium does have a couple of very experienced people that can give ENTENTE good knowledge. I am someone quite good in economy (recognized by quite some people). You have ThomasRED with a huge knowledge of alliance. By this : I see Belgium as a provider of enthousiasm along with knowledge of the experienced citizens 😛
santirub: well thats response the other question "What do you think Belgium can contribute to the Alliance?" xD.
Apotygma: pretty much sais it all indeed 😁.
santirub: as you know, ENTENTE is much more bigger every day, so is clearly it's time that entente have its own army, what do you think about that?
Apotygma: ENTENTE as an alliance has to be taken seriously. In this game everything turns around war and an army is part of it. Nonetheless, a decision now is hard to take. We cannot judge as outsiders, we don't know what the use of EMC (ENTENTE's Mobile Corps) will be, the fundings and the use of it. Depending on the debate the position of Belgium can change.
santirub: finally question, do you like Jazz? =3 (Hell Yeah!)
Apotygma: No. In fact, Jazz is something you have to learn to love, it's in fact an eduction (from what i know). I don't have it so I don't like it =S.

We love Belgium ♥. I love you Jazz ♥ 😁.

Changin topic, our brand-new BB man (Tim Paulsen), had a huge and awesome plan for this month, i can't tell too much details, but in the course of month are going to go finding out =3.

The Media Mogul Project will be reopen !! Yes, many many people want that medal,
it's hard get it, so by the MM Project this could be much more easy. Of course I'll devote an article to this particular thing explaining whats, hows and wheres.

Finally i wish inform you about Mexico - Venezuela war. As you know (or not of course), Mexico is under a PTO (Political Take Over) from a Croatian Group, to combat this, Venezuela Declared the War against Mexico, and then Venezuela conquered all regions of Mexico, so Congress (mostly TO) now are disjointed and they can't do anymore this things, or something like that. This is the First Step, the Road is long and Hard, but we are sure that Mexico will succeed and you know Mexico, you always have the support of the Entente ♥.


santirub. Director of Communication.

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Saludos a todos. Hoy tenemos una gran noticia que darles, otro mes vino y eso significa cobrar, pagar los impuestos (paga lo que debes che !! [no tan bueno eso eh? xD]) ... y por supuesto, un Nuevo Grupo de Trabajao (esto si esta bueno :3), un nuevo grupo que sigue trabajando para lo mejor de nuestra alianza o/.
Este es el nuevo Equipo/Grupo para Junio:
Secretario General: Delexo
Director de Comunicaciones: santirub
Director de Finanzas: Luke Magitem
Director de Relaciones Exteriores: alezitox
Contacto oficial con EDEN: JNArno
Contacto oficial con Phoenix: OnlyPokerCanJudgeMe
Contacto oficial con Brolliance: Moua Mim
Comandante de la Armada: dimmustranger
Comandante en Jefe: Yodo el Cuartel General.
Consejero de Babyboom: Tim Paulsen
Consejero Economico: Ivan Dusaiks
Consejero Militar: Lars87
Tambien saludamos y despedimos a nuestro saliente SG Azaret, quien hizo un trabajo genial, Aza: Te queremos o/.

santirub: Como ve el futuro de Bélgica en ENTENTE?
Apotygma: Bélgica tiene una comunidad bastante activa. Tenemos una pequeña población pero es bastante activa en nuestro foro nacional, tan activa algunas veces que da miedo. Quiero darle a ENTENTE este entusiasmo y este compromiso con algo. No somos una enorme fuerza militar, tenemos jóvenes ciudadanos que están todavía dando los primero pasos en este mundo. Pero el entusiasmo puede darle a ENTENTE un boom ya que la haría más activa.
También, Bélgica tiene un par de gente muy experimentada que puede darle a ENTENTE buen conocimiento. Soy alguien bastante bueno en economía (reconocido por bastante gente). Tienen a ThomasRED con un conocimiento enorme de alianza. Por esto: veo a Bélgica como un proveedor de entusiasmo acompañado de conocimiento de ciudadanos experimentados 😛

santirub: bueno, eso responde la otra cuestión "con que cree que Bélgica puede contribuir a esta Alianza" XD
Apotygma: Ciertamente ya esta todo dicho 😁.

santirub: como sabes, ENTENTE es más grande cada día, así que clarametne es tiempo de que tenga su propio ejército, qué opinas de eso?
Apotygma: ENTENTE debe ser tomada seriamente como una alianza. En este juego todo gira alrededor de la guerra y un ejército es parte de eso.
Sin embargo, una decisión ahora es difícil de tomar. No podemos juzgar como terceros, no sabemos cual será el uso de EMC (ENTENTE's Mobile Corps), el financiamiento y el uso de él. Dependiendo del debate la posición de Bélgica puede cambiar.

santirub: Pregunta final, te gusta el Jazz? =3 (Hell Yeah!)
Apotygma: No. De hecho, el Jazz es algo que tenés que aprender a amar, es de hecho una educación (por lo que sé). No la tengo, así que no me gusta =S.
Cambiendo de tema, nuestro flamante BB-man (Tim Paulsen), tiene un gran y asombroso plan para este mes, no puedo decirles demasiado, pero el curso del mes ya lo iran descubriendo =3
El Proyecto Media Mogul será reabierto !! Si, muuuucha gente quiere esta medalla, la cual es muy dificil conseguir, entonces, a traves del Proyecto MM, obtenerla es mucho más fácil. Por supuesto que voy a dedicar un articulo para este tema en particulas, explicando los qué, cómo y dónde.
Finalmente deseo informarles sobre la situacion de México y la guerra Mexico - Venezuela. Como ustedes saben (o no, por supuesto), Mexico esta bajo un PTO (Political Take Over - Toma de Poder Politico) por parte de un grupo Croata, para combatir esto Venezuela ha declarado la guerra a Mexico, y luego, Venezuela, conquistó todas las Regiones Mexicanas, así el Congreso (mayoritariamente TO), ahora está desarticulado de forma que no puedan hacer de nuevo estas cosas, o cosas como estas. Este es el primer paso, la ruta es larga, y dicil de recorer, pero estamos seguros que Mexico superará esto, ustedes siempre tendran el apoyo de Entente ?.
santirub. Director de Comunicaciones.

http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/S/Ukraine.gif"> HAIL UKRAINE !
http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/S/Belgium.gif"> HAIL BELGIUM !
http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/S/France.gif"> HAIL FRANCE !
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http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/S/Mexico.gif"> HAIL MEXICO !
http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/S/Paraguay.gif"> HAIL PARAGUAY !
http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/S/Venezuela.gif"> HAIL VENEZUELA !