(English version) / Poljska preti Meksiku+plan kako zaustaviti Poljake

Day 882, 14:58 Published in Serbia Serbia by sesta.bg
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Poland threatening Mexico + plan on how to stop the Polish

Posle krace pauze i odmora od iscrpnih borbi u Juznoj Africi ponovo imamo zanimljiva desavanja na frontu. EDEN je odlucio da krene u ofanzivu.

Poljska objavljuje rat Meksiku. Da su ozbiljni nam govori i cinjenica da objava rata za Poljsku kosta oko 4200 zlata. Poljska je u vrlo kratkom vremenskom periodu nakon predloga o objavi rata zamenila 2 regiona sa Spanijom, Andalucia i Canary Islands i tako dosla na granicu sa Meksikom, Venecuelom i Brazilom.

Poljska je nakon sto je zaposela regiju Canary Islands napala regiju Saxony i odmah se povukla iz te regije. Ovo je uradjeno da bi Spanija dobila inicijativu u ratu sa Poljskom. Cim je dobila inicijativu Spanija je napala regiju Extremadura, a potom i regiju Andalucia iz koje su se Poljaci povukli. Sve ovo nam govori da ce ubuduce Poljska baza u zapadnoj Evropi biti regija Canary Islands, ali vrlo moguce da na umu imaju i meksikansku regiju. Southeast of Mexico - regiju bogatu naftom.. Nesto kasnije je otvoren i oslobodilacki rat u regiji Canary Islands koji nema neku znacajniju svrhu sem odvlacenja paznje Poljacima. Cak iako oslobodilacki rat bude isao u korist Feniksa Poljska ce lako preko regije Andalucia ponovo doci na Canary Islands. RW ne blokira drzavu tako da ce Poljaci i pored aktivnog RW-a u svojoj drzavi moci da lansiraju napad na Meksiko.

Otezavajuca okolnost je ta da Meksiko ima samo 1 MPP, malezanski i da ce regija bogata naftom Southeast of Mexico biti na udaru cim bude izglasan rat sa Meksikom. Feniks je reagovao nakon pokrenutog predloga o objavi rata i Meksiku poslao turski. ruski, francuski i brazilski MPP. Ovi MPPovi ce biti potpisani tek nakon sto bude proglasen rat Meksiku sto znaci da nece biti aktivirani ukoliko Poljska u medjuvremeni napadne regiju bogatu naftom, ali ce spreciti Poljake da krenu dublje u Meksiko, ako su uopste imali takvih namera. Iako ovaj potez Poljske, moram da kazem veoma dobro osmisljen i pametan nije mozda bio ocigledan na prvi pogled stratezi Feniksa su morali da predvide ovako nesto. Poljska drzi regiju Extremadura vec 2 meseca i Feniks je imao dovoljno vremena da na vreme zastiti Meksiko.

Cilj Poljske je za sada samo ta regija bogata naftom, ali ce Poljska vrebati sa kanarskih ostrva i odatle pretiti Venecueli i Brazilu sa kojima jos uvek nema rat. Ono sto je sigurno je da Poljska iako se privremeno zaustavi u Meksiku da nece tu i trajno stati. Siguran sam da imaju pretenzije na prirodno bogate regije u Juznoj Americi ali i na stvaranje baze u Juznoj Americi za kasniji pohod na juzno africke regije bogate dijamantima.

Da se ne bi dogodila slicna stvar Kolumbiji u toku je potpisivanje pravovremenog MPP-a Srbije i Kolumbije u cilju zastite ove drzave.

Ono sto Feniks moze da uradi da spreci Poljsku da uzme regiju bogatu naftom je da napadne regiju Canary Islands iz Brazila. Brazil nema rat sa Poljskom ali moze da ga dobije ukoliko napadne Juznu Afriku. Napadom na Canary Islands ce blokirati Poljsku od pohoda ka meksikanskoj regiji i tako dati vremena Meksiku da potpise ova 4 MPP-a. Ovo nije najpovoljniji plan s ozbirom da Braizil aktvira juzno africke MPPove, ali je jedini u ovom trenutku, iako smatram da Juzna Afrika i pored aktviranih MPP-ova nece rizikovati svoje teritorije zbog Poljske napadom na Brazil. Blizu je i 25., a PTO-om bi Brazilci mogli da deaktviraju MPPove ukoliko uzmu kognres, a kasnije i predsednika koji ce se povuci iz svih svojih regija. Brazil moze da dobije rat sa Poljskom na slican nacin, napadom na Peru, ali to je opasnija varijanta s obzirom da se Peru granici sa regijom bogatom drvima i gvozdjem - North of Brasil.

Zanimljivo je i da Hrvatska nema vise MPP sa Poljskom jer kako je vec opisano na pocetku teksta kada je Poljska napala regiju Saxony tada joj se izbrisao MPP sa Hrvatskom jer Hrvatska i Spanija imaju potpisan MPP. Ako je suditi po nacionalnim ciljevima koje je postavio predsednik ocekuje nas i ovde rat. Iako sam zastupnik toga da Hrvatsku treba smoriti bar za sada, ofanziva na Hrvatsku sa 4 strane je moguca i o ovome cu vise pisati u nekom od narednih izdanja.

EDIT: Poljska blokirana, Meksiko strepi

Poland threatening Mexico + plan on how to stop the Polish

After the short break from the exhausting battles in South Africa we have again some interesting developments on the front lines. EDEN has decided to go into an offensive.

Poland has declared war on Mexico. The fact that they paid for it 4200 gold speaks how serious they are. Shortly after, Poland swapped 2 regions with Spain, Andalucia and Canary Islands and gained a border with Mexico, Venezuela and Brazil.

After getting the region of Canary Islands Poland launched an attack on the region Saxony and immediately retreated from it. This was done so Spain can gain the initiative in the war against Poland. As soon as Spain got the initiative, they attacked the region Extremadura, and the region Andalucía both from which Poland retreated. All of this means that in the future Poland’s new base in the Western Europe will be the region Canary Islands, but very it is very likely that they have their mind set on the Mexican region, Southeast of Mexico – a high oil region. Somewhat later, je a resistance war has started in the region of Canary Islands which has no other purpose than draining Poland’s attention. Even if the resistance war would be successful for Phoenix, Poland would easily get the Canary Islands back through the region of Andalucía. RW does not block a country, so even with the RW Poland can still launch an attack against Mexico.

To make the things worse Mexico has only 1 MPP with Malaysia, and the high oil region Southeast of Mexico will be under an attack as soon as the law to declare war on Mexico has passed. Phoenix reacted after the law proposition and Turkey. Russia, France i Brazilproposed MPPs with Mexico.. These MPPs will be signed only after the Poland declares war on Mexico, which means they will not get activated if they immediately launch an attack on the high oil region, but they will prevent Poland from going deeper into the Mexican territory (if that was even their intentions). Even though I must admit that the Polish move has been thoroughly thought through it might have not been so obvious on the first look, but Phoenix strategists had to predict something like this. Poland has been holding the region of Extremadura for 2 months now and Phoenix had enough time to protect Mexico.

Polish goal for the time being is only the high oil region, but Poland will lurk from the Canary Islands, from where they threaten Venezuela and Brazil, with whom they still don’t have a war declared. One thing is certain, even if Poland temporarily stops in Mexico, they will continue from there. I am certain that they have an eye on naturally rich regions of South America, as well as building a South American stronghold from where they can later go for South African high diamonds.

To prevent a similar scenario to Columbia, Serbia is currently signing an MPP with this country.

What Phoenix can do to prevent Poland from taking a high oil region is to launch an attack on Canary Islands from Brazil. Brazil does not have an open war with Poland, but it can gain it by attacking South Africa. Attack on the Canary Islands will block Poland in their expedition to the Mexican region and buy time and give a chance to Mexico to sign the 4 MPPs. This is not the most beneficial plan, since Brazil would activate South African MPPs, but is the only one in this moment, even though I think that South Africa even with the activated MPPs would not risk their territory because of Poland, and would not launch an attack on Brazil. 25th is getting close and Brazil can with a PTO deactivate the MPPs, if they take over the congress, and later the install a president who will retreat from their regions. Brazil can similarly start a war with Poland by attacking Peru, but this is a more dangerous option since Peru border’s a high wood, high iron region North of Brazil.

It is interesting that Croatia does not have an MPP with Poland anymore jer because as I described it in the beginning of this text, when Poland attacked region Saxony, heir MPP with Croatia got erased because Spain and Croatia have a signed MPP. If we look at national goals which our president has set we can expect a war here too. Even though I think that Croatia should be bored to death, offensive against Croatia from 4 sides is possible and I will write more about this in one of my future articles..

EDIT: Poland blocked, Mexico still frightened