[Economics] What Is Our Income?

Day 4,194, 15:41 Published in Netherlands Poland by Shawtyl0w

Dear Citizens of the Netherlands,

I'm writing this because of recent remarks made in congress. What is our income? What part of that income can be spent during the current government term and what income is considered part of the budget for the next? Some easy questions I believe should have easy answers but our lawbook allows for interpretation which means people will alwayssee things differently. Here is how I see things and I hope everyone here agrees with me (Utopia).

Total income of our country consists of:

1. Work as a manager taxes: NLG acquired from our hard working citizens based on their production and the tax % we have democratically installed.

2. Medal taxes: 10% of all income from medal is taxed (game mechanic).

3. Resource concessions: The Netherlands has a resource deal with Iran and receives a variable and fixed sum of NLG. The variable sum is comprised of the city taxes we pay. (The more you earn the more city tax is paid (game mechanic) and we can't use that money thus Iran pays for it so our agreed upon fixed sum is income we can allocate.) The fixed sum is the monthly (usable) earnings paid for by Iran. All the surplus resource concession tax income is returned to Iran

4. Taxes aquired due to ocupation of foreign regions: all these taxes are returned to the country we ocupy because we have not conquered the regions but we are guest (TW purpose). Not really income at the moment

5. Import taxes: These are taxes we acquire due to the import tax set on international trade (game mechanic).

6. Value added tax (VAT): The VAT is the money eNL sellers lose/pay when selling their products.

7. Cities subsidy: Based on the daily income we pay city tax which is money skimmed of our income and send to local city treasuries. At this point in the game we can't access this money (game mechanic).

I believe the above to be everything that is considered our income/expenses by game mechanics.

8. Treasury donations: This is money donated to the government treasury by private citizens.

9. Special taxes (congress + CP medal tax): 50% of all medals paid in gold.

10. Montary Market: The government uses organizations to create offers (buying and selling gold) on the monetary market to create extra income this is variable income.

11. Communes: Each month the government receives weapons from our two weapon communes. (The government is adviced (has always been this way) to work with +/- 80% of the supplied commune weapons)

I believe all the above to be our sources of income and expenses. If I missed something please send PM or comment below

What is government budget?

The government budget is equal to the total tax income of the previous month.

So what does(should) this mean?
I believe the government budget SHOULD consist of the following: (See numbers)

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 - 7 + 8 + 10(50😵 + 11

What does this mean?
It means that I would like 9, Special taxes not to be part next terms government budget but instead be allocated to the Black Friday Program. For those of who that don't know what this is. Janty F has created a Black Friday program where the government saved/saves gold to help people buy/upgrade companies.

10(50😵, I would like to see 50% of the profits in the monetary market program to be added to the budget of the next month and the other 50% be spread over the various orgs to generate even more profits. Profits made today cannot be spend by the government but by the next government. Exceptions, to this would be the government orgs who if used on the monetary market can spend their profits at any time as long as this is recorded. Why would we allows them to spend this profit at any time?? Because these are government orgs and they are continuously used most of the time MM profits are not spent but simply added to the org. However we should set a rule that a minimum and maximum amount of currency should be present in these orgs. Minimum so that they are able to run the government programs and we have 'some' flexibility in case of an enemy attack and a maximum so that money can be transferred to other orgs if needed (rational thing to do). If you believe that the at any time should be removed here and 50% of the income should be added to next months gov budget like with all the other orgs that's fine with me as well.

All other taxes should in my opinion be part of the next government budget because in order to grow as a country we require stronger and more citizens. government programs that make the game fun and help steir citizens in the right direction make this happen. Depositing money in the bank will not keep you safe, strong fighters will. Especially when the money in the bank is NOT used to create even more money in the bank but instead loses value over time.

It is my opinion that we should use all our resources to our benefit. The emergency fund(EF) is too small (I agree). Let's use the money we have to increase it! The org used to store our EF budget is collecting dust while when that money is used in the monetary market program we can multiply it infinitely. We should distribute this money over several orgs and use it. I hear you say but it won't be in one place anymore! Ask yourself does that really matter? The answer is simple.. no it doesn't.

I'm inviting everyone to share their opinion on this matter. How do you think our budget should be created? Please leave a comment.

Yours truly,
