[eBe] March/April Congress Report - 1

Day 1,591, 02:23 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Foreign Affairs

[eBe] March/April Congress Report - 1

As Chairman of Congress (CoC) it is necessary to inform the general public about the activities of Congress. I will fulfil this duty to the best of my abilities, however even the CoC is just a mere mortal. Feel free to contact me on our national forum http://www.erepbelgium.com (the guy named NLSP), in-game (again the guy named NLSP) or on IRC (once again, the guy named NLSP). All Congress debates can still be found here and are accessible to anyone with a citizen mask, FoC mask or HC-mask.
Your loyal servant and CoC of the month,

New Congress
Like every month, eRepublik-players vote on the 25th for a new congress for their homeland. Despite the trouble eBelgium has experienced, I'm proud to present you the March/April 2012 eBelgium Congress.

Lodzia tak

New CoC

As some of you have noticed, Jonathan Clay is not longer the CoC. We would like to thank him for the time he put into this. There were 2 candidates to replace him, Lodzia tak and NLSP. As you can see here, NLSP his candidature was backed by the most Members of Congress and he has replaced Jonathan Clay.
People who regularly read the 'Lawbook'-section, can see that the CoC has already updated it and some older (and no longer relevant) legislation has been moved to the archive.

Last War Funds-law
Congress has, since the last report, approved already several new laws, allocating more money to the war effort. During the last vote, our CP his request to the dutch CP for an immediate ending of hostilities, was finally accepted. Nevertheless, this last vote has passed and can be used if the dutch would come back on the agreement.
The last vote can be found here, while it's debate can be found here.

Belgian Army
After a saga, where the Military Unit (MU) of our national army, the BAF, was no longer under control of the eBelgian government and army officials, a few decisions have been made.
Congress has approved the funding of a new MU (debate and vote) and a new general was suggested by congress (debate and vote). While Olv007 was chosen, he decided to pass and the runner up, Critically, is currently in charge.

The Next Congress Report
While this Congress Report was focused on the voting that happened since the last report and the current, the next report will also briefly introduce the topics that are under discussion. Many discussions do not end with a vote and a correct image of our congress can not be sketched, if there is no attention for this debates. Please note that every eBe-citizen is allowed AND encouraged to make posts there.
Feel free to give feedback and suggestions.
Yours truly,