[DemNL] How Views Within DemNL Differ

Day 4,046, 14:50 Published in Netherlands Poland by Shawtyl0w

Dear citizens of the Netherlands,

Political parties are of key importance to the political module of eRepublik. This is explained in the article on politics published in the previous presidential term. For a long time Democratisch Nederland has been one of the most influential political parties in the eNetherlands with party members serving as presidents and ministers.

"DemNL is the party of democracy, freedom, transparency and responsibility. Everyone is important, nothing is taboo."

We are proud to be known as a party who embraces new party members. In Democratisch Nederland your voice will be heard, critized and symphathized. We discuss fundamental issues internally be it in-game or using alternative communication veheicles. These discussion may cause friction between party members. However, most of the time these discussions lead to the a solution acceptable for all parties involved. Hail democracy!

Next up are some of the answers from party members to a bunch of questions I drew up to see how we differ.

1) How should we manage our country?
- Democracy (Congress has full power)
- Pragmatic democracy (gov has full power congress is a facilitator and has slight controll over the government (MoNCs))
- Democratic dictatorship (Dictator makes all the decisions but is elected by congress)

* A mix between a pragmatic and a full democracy. Congress should have more powers than only MoNCs
** Democracy
*** Pragmatic democracy
**** Just like we do now, except with more in-game transparency and more DemNL presidents.

2) What is your favourite Christmas song?

* I don't have one of those
** Any song that is not played in the supermarket 24/7 each time you go there.
*** Good King Wenceslaus
**** Shawn Phillips - A Christmas Song • TopPop
***** It's the most wonderful time of the year - Andy Williams

3) What does your perfect Christmas Dinner look like?

* Good food, nice drinks, family, and friends, and it's snowing outside
** Prawns and beer with my dog and maybe a few friends at the beach
*** I don't care that much about Christmas, but I guess it should contain some craftbeers.

4) Christmas with friends or family?

* Family
** This is a hard one, but I think I'll go for friends
*** Family and Friends

5) Christmas in the snow or on a tropical beach?

* The snow
** White sandy beach
*** Snow. Being able to play in the snow (even though I'm a bit old for that), and getting back in-doors for a cup of hot chocolate, definitely will bring me into the right mood for Christmas, even when it typically isn't Christmas when there is snow...

6) Are you religious?

* Yes, I'm a firm believer of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
** Sort of. I do visit church a few times a year. But I'm too much of a scientist to fully believe in the unprovable... However, I do feel the life lessons tought by religions are still important these days. The format may be a bit outdated, but the idea is definitely a good one.
Religion should never be used to inspire any kind of violence though. That's absolutely not the meaning behind the Bible, or Quoran...
*** No, agnostic.

7) Three Kings visited Jesus in Bethleham, which of the three kings would you be?
- Caspar (gifted Jesus frankincense)
- Melchior (gifted Jesus gold)
- Balthasar (gifted Jesus mirre)

* Idk
** Caspar, just because frankincense is chemically the most interesting in my opinion
*** None of those are really practical gifts, but baby might like the smell of frankincense the most, so let's be that one.
**** The black one
***** Balthasar, Myrhh is still used as an antiseptic, so has way better claims to be a medicine than frankinsence. To me, Balthasar giving myrrh implicates that he cared for Jesus's health.

Moral of the story, we like democracy but some of us are also pragmatic when it comes to governing. Our taste in music is very diversified. Some of us are religious others are not. It does not matter what your musical taste is, if you are religious or not as long as you are open to discussing and debating political standpoints with the benefit of the eNetherlands as end-goal we are looking for you! We seek rational and reasonal decision makers to strengthen our political party.

Yours truly,
