[DemNL] Cast Your Vote During the Congressional Elections!

Day 4,114, 12:06 Published in Netherlands Poland by Shawtyl0w

Dear citizens of the Netherlands,

Last month Democratisch Nederland received 22 votes during congressional elections. This made us the largest political party in the Netherlands. This month we would are striving for a similar result. Below you'll find the final results of last months elections.

This month 12 of our party members have decided to run for congress. The increase of our congress meant that there are additional seats available. For every region a country occupies it receives a number of congressional seats. Because the government in cooperation with the eGerman government managed our training war in such a way we occupied 3 regions at 02.00 eRepublik time on the 23rd of the month our congress contains of 30 congressional seats. Allow me to introduce our congressional candidates.

Dear citizens of the Netherlands,

If you wish for us to continue on the path our country has been following for several months now, make sure you vote for Democratisch Nederland tomorrow. We the politicians at Democratisch Nederland are the experienced, trustworthy and hands-on innitiators responsible for most of the recent changes in the way the government supports you the citizens of the Netherlands. We would like to continue our work serving you to the best of our abilities. Tomorrow during the congressional elections we would like you to cast your votes (preferably cast a vote for Democratisch Nederland).

Do you want to be active in politics and contribute to the eNL Community?
Consider joining Democratisch Nederland!

Yours truly,

Party president of Democratisch Nederland