[DAF] Weekly Challenge in the Dutch Armed Forces!

Day 4,137, 16:30 Published in Netherlands Poland by Shawtyl0w

Soldiers of the Dutch Armed Forces!

I have an announcement to make. As of this week I as Commander of the Dutch Armed Forces will monitor the number of Daily Orders you as a soldier complete. Every week you manage to complete all seven Daily Orders I will personally reward you with 1,000cc.

Last week does not count yet but just to show you how I will monitor your activity. Please look at the picture below.

The Blue square allows me and you to check the activity for this week, last week 2 and 3 weeks ago. Every Tuesday I will check the data for last week and see who have completed 7 Daily Orders. The green arrow points to those citizens who have completed all seven Daily Orderes 3 weeks ago. These players will all receive 1,000 NLG as of this week. The red arrow points to a player who has completed six Daily Orders 3 weeks ago. Please note, when completing six Daily orders you will NOT receive a reward.