[CP] Statement to all friends / Звернення до усіх друзів

Day 2,283, 05:20 Published in Ukraine Ukraine by President Ukraine

Dear Brothers, Friends, Allies,

this time i will be fast, I am very short on words and have way to much emotions now.

You all probably know about RL revolution and problems we have in Ukraine. Maybe you don’t know, but a lot of eUkrainian players are right now there fighting for our real lives and real freedom!

We’ve heard a lot of good words and wishes from you in the last 24 hours from all over the eWorld and World. I want to thank you for this, your support gives us moral strength!

Let’s pray for all heroes who are risking their lives right now!

Now back to eRep wars. We’ve all seen your dedication last days in our battles, your fighters, your support and COs for eUkraine.

There are not enough words to express our greatfulness and thanks to you. Today we see what is real Brotherhood and we are honored to stay with you in each battle we have, even if we now lack our bet fighters who are in real war.

I want to hail all of you, brothers, friends, allies!

Hail! Hail! Hail!

Шановна громадо,

маю звернення і до вас. Усі хто можете - їдьте на Майдан у Києві, на місцеві майдани і борітеся за свободу нашого народу!

Ті, як наприклад я, хто не мають такої змоги, боріться разом зі союзниками в ерепці. І коли побачите чергового союзника поруч з вами в бою - напишіть йому повідомлення, подякуйте гарно.

Слава Україні!

CP of eUkraine,

[CP] Statement to all friends / Звернення до усіх друзів