[CP] Give us Freedom or Prepare for Revolution!

Day 2,049, 15:44 Published in South Africa Canada by Cody Caine

Mood Music

Free the Forum Now
We the people of South Africa demand that the National forum be free to all citizens of South Africa, not just the ones the admins [Al Kazar-Zansi] deem worthy. Enough with this certified vs non-certified garbage. Enough with tyrannically controlling offices you have no business controlling. Enough with the corruption, Free our forums NOW!
Congress You Have a Choice
Congress for the rest of this term you have a choice, sit by or be active. As long as the forum is a slave pit I will not use it, there for I cannot bring discussions to the congressional chamber. There for I ask Congress to come communicate with me in game, at the very least send the acting speaker to work with me. I understand after my rogue Trade Embargo, some of you may be upset. But it was done for two reasons, a laugh, and secondly to test how you as a group would respond. You wanted Change, well now it is time to have Faith in the change you brought on.

Fund the Air Strike!
Please Make All Donations Here.