[CP] Candidates of Switzerland

Day 2,023, 10:35 Published in Switzerland Austria by Kaad

Hello everyone!

In this article, I will present you the candidates runing for the county presidence.


CP of April, member of the CoT army, commander of the Swiss National Army, current MoFA and lots of other stuff, Trogdorthetroll100 is runing again for CP. Huge experience of Switzerland and its way to work, he was elected after a primaries were everyone were able to run and vote. For more info about him, read his article!

Article from him:
Article for him:

Party in support: AIM, CDP, SFP, SLP, SRP

Tony Tony Chopper

Description from him:

well i m tony tony chopper aka McLarenDr...i ve been playing the game for over 2 years now..i also took part in the summit in Bucharest..i ve got some articles about it..and most important of all,i am organising the meeting in greece in less than one month with some other players..not an easy job

i ve been in the goverments of e-greece many times..
i got elected as a congressman only once because i didnt like the idea of the congress
i m not the biggest tank but i ve got quiet an experience from wars
i ve been president of my favourite political party in greece many times
captain and commander many more times than i can remember in the MU's i go.

my first goal about Switzerland is to take back the regions that are Switzerland's by law and not willing to rent any of them.
this will be done of course with the help of our alliance

AS for those who said that i was illegally accepted i cant answer to them
A congressman is elected from the citizens..And i was accepted from a congressman..Which leads to the conclusion that i was accepted from the citizens
Someone can say with the same general idea that those who say bad things about me are the illegals ones.
i am not here to see who is right and who is not.
i am a player and lately a well known player..and those who know me in RL have to say really good things about me.. which is proven from the fact that i was chosen to organise the greek meeting.

Tony Tony Chopper entered the country the 27th of Avril thanks to The Troll Warlord. He is runing for the second time as CP of Switzerland.

Article from him:
Article for him:

Party in support: TO


Jeriko21 is NOT an official candidate. But delay are now over and the SRP can't change in game its application. For more info, read http://www.erepublik.com/fr/article/-srp-official-unity-candidate-2271364/1/20

Article from him:
Article for him:

Party in support: none

Thank you very much for reading and good vote!