[CONOCIENDO-A-XAV]Episodio: Deliver me!

Day 839, 05:52 Published in Paraguay Paraguay by xav76

La soprano Sarah Brightman, actriz y bailarina británica, además de cantante en diferentes idiomas como el inglés, español, francés, latín, alemán, italiano, hindú y mandarín, ha recibido 160 discos de oro y platino en 34 países. Brightman ha vendido 73 millones de discos en todo el mundo. Hasta el momento ha realizado cinco giras internacionales.

Comparto con ustedes el tema de ella que me conquisto y me llevó a quererla conocer más y ahora escucharla cada vez que tengo oportunidad.

&quot😉eliver Me"

Deliver me, out of my sadness
Deliver me, from all of the madness
Deliver me, courage to guide me
Deliver me, strength from inside me

All of my life I've been in hiding
Wishing there was someone just like you
Now that you're here, now that I've found you
I know that you're the one to pull me through

Deliver me, loving and caring
Deliver me, giving and sharing
Deliver me, the cross that I'm bearing

All of my life I was in hiding
Wishing there was someone just like you
Now that you're here, now that I've found you
I know that you're the one to pull me through

Deliver me
Deliver me
Oh deliver me

All of my life I was in hiding
Wishing there was someone just like you
Now that you're here, now that I've found you
I know that you're the one to pull me through

Deliver me
Oh deliver me
Won't you deliver me

Video Youtube:
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TIP para llegar al corazoncito de xav, saberse este tema:

Espero que la lleguen a querer y apreciar tanto como yo!

Nos leemos!

😉 feliz inicio de semana
