[Chewie4Pres] The One Manifesto.

Day 1,019, 22:10 Published in Singapore Ireland by ChewChewShoe

Greetings Singapore. I am ChewChewShoe, and the following lines of words, mainly ideas etc, and how to accomplish these ideas will be my manifesto.
Before I start writing about my ideas etc, I would like to state that if you can't bother reading the entire manifesto, there will be a summary of it at the bottom of this article, and you could also read my presidential candidacy announcement article.

With that said, let's move on, shall we?

The upcoming presidential elections are standing between two candidates of great experience, ideas etc.
Those two candidates would be ChewChewShoe, me, and Teh You Jing.

Teh You Jing is a great man, with vast amounts of experience from all kinds of different aspects of the game, and I have no doubt that he would make a good president.
You can read his manifesto here.

You may at this moment think something like "If this guy is so good, why do you oppose him in the elections?".
I oppose him in the elections because I want to have a shot at improving this country, acting as president. I believe I have good policies, contacts, abilities etc, and I want to, by using them, help Singapore to flourish.
I want to improve Singapore, by the best way I see it, and for that to happen, I will need your word and support.
I want to help you create a glorious Singapore.

In this game, diplomatic relations means a great deal to all nations around the world.
When it comes to such, Singapore however, doesn't have many friends around the world.
Singapore is currently a part of the defensive alliance Orders of Nations of eRepublik, or ONE.
ONE is a fairly new alliance, which former president Tommy Aquinas amongst others founded in July.
However, lately ONE has grown inactive, and the communication between the nations are low.

If elected, I will work to get the alliance back on it's feet, and creating better relations with the nations.
Alliances are very important in this game, and a nation wont really get anywhere without them.
I have already started to pick up contact with the MoFA in exile of the PTO'd country Thailand, and discussions etc are working well between us.

However, having more friends, is always good.
We would have to start creating friends outside of ONE too. Singapore has been living in a little bubble for all too long, and just see where that has driven us.
Here's a part, where my many and very important contacts from around the world, play a great role.
I will be working for improving relations with various countries, in both PHOENIX, EDEN and even countries without any alliance at all.

This outgoing term, I have for example already started some sort of friendship between us and Ireland, UK, the Netherlands and more.
But I would not like to stop there. By appointing ambassadors to around the world, having representatives to the two major alliances and a MoFA handing out orders, with me behind his back, Singaporean relations could really get a kick back into the game.

Another important aspect of this game is the military aspect. The ability to wage war and conquer other regions, or even nations.
However, for Singapore, due to our diplomatic relations, weak military and poor economy, we can not wage war upon anyone by our selves at this moment.
So related to the foreign affairs issue, instead we could help out new friends in the world in their wars.

When I, the 5:th of August this year, was elected to be Vice President I immediately got down to work with Minister of Defense, Logan Dunleavy, regarding our military.
Our military at the time was in such a terrible state, that it almost didn't exist.
Me and Logan worked closely to reform the army, get new blood in there and toss out the people that stopped playing ages ago.
We started using the MoD newspaper to hand out orders, as well as let our population in a bit on what is going on, and I am proud to say that we successfully launched two deployments this term.

However, our military could still be improved alot.
The military is just in a temporarily changing stage. By letting me serve as your president this term, you would also let me continue my job with the military that we started. Logan, who is moving to the eUSA tomorrow, has stated that he will help me continue the army, in a little less binding, and responsible position than before, due to him moving away, if I win the elections.
I am planning on setting up different divisions depending on what military skill you have, like "First Singaporean Panzer Division" etc, to make it easier.
I would be adding a simple "Army" part of the military, and set up the military in a three different blocks shape.
First stage would be Homeguard. The not so powerful possibly newer players, mainly focusing on protection of the motherland. This would require nothing.
Second stage would be the "Army" stage. This would be the common "Army", deploying a bit now and then for friends close to Singapore in need. The army would be consisting of medium-powered soldiers. This would require a medium high military skill and rank, and a somewhat IRC + Forum activity.
Third stage would be Torchwood. The pride of the Singaporean military, the elite. Torchwood's mission would be to deploy all around the world for friends and pound in as much damage on enemy forces as possible. This would require quite a high military skill and rank, and IRC + Forum activity.

All of these groups, as I said earlier, would be divided into divisions depending on military skill so navigation on the battle field, weapon and food supply etc will be easier.
Example would be "First Torchwood Panzer Division are to deploy at 15,13 and move north west" etc, whilst the chopper division moves forward, and so on.

If we would accomplish to make news friends all over the world, we could have many battles to deploy to, quite often, for experience in battle, fun, showing the world we're not the weak country they think we are and coordination ability improvements.

There is no doubt that the entire world economy is going down the drain at the moment.
The value of gold increasing, and the value of local currencies decreasing, wages drop and prices gets higher. The whole world is in chaos at this moment.

There really isn't very much anyone can do, but for wait for the admins to decrease the demand of gold, and increase the demand for currency etc. However, we can still do something about it.

I have been talking to some great economical minds both in Singapore and around the world, and we are still trying to figure out a good plan for the economy.
However, at this moment, I would propose the following changes to take place:
Cutting income taxes on moving tickets and weapons 15% to 10%, allowing private citizens and companies profit more.
Lowering house import tax from 30% to 3%, so we actually can buy houses.
Increasing VAT with 3% on moving tickets and weapons so that the government still will earn money, and increase the price of products slightly, so that company owners will have to pay a little bit of higher wages to profit more.

This way we will encourage companies to raise wages for citizens, due to the somewhat higher VAT, giving us an ability to buy houses, a cheap production of food and creating a market of weapons, as well as giving citizens and companies overall more money.

Public Information.
Me and my government will be working very hard to inform the public citizens that yet not are introduced to the IRC networking, forums etc.
I will get mass-mailing going, so a group of individuals from the government will message citizens a bit now and then, helping them to get on IRC, forums etc.
We will also publish articles quite often, informing them of what is going on in the world, government, geographic area etc.
This way I hope to get more people active on IRC and forums, as well as inform and educate those people.

Social Welfare
In harsh economic times as these, new citizens are facing hard times with their salaries etc.
Due to the excess SGD the government has, that we cannot convert into gold, we are open to spend pieces of it a bit, for government things.
As wages at the moment are forcing citizens to almost starve, I was thinking a few dollars extra from the government wouldn't hurt.
I am thinking of starting up the first real social welfare programme in a long time, if even ever, here in Singapore.
The system would work like this:
Every citizen under level 20 can once every 5 days request an extra 5 SGD from the government, if they have worked one week in a row in a company.
This way we will both lose some of the excess SGD, encourage people to work more often, and more daily, and that way also pump more gold into Singapore, as one gets rewarded by a treasure map containing gold every 30 days you work.

New Politicians
I will during my term attempt to attract as many people as possible to start a political career here in Singapore.
Singapore has for too long been relying on old citizens that one by one slowly are disappearing, and we soon don't have any citizens left to take care of the nation.
This is why I, if elected, will appoint many more rather new citizens as government officials.
They would of course not reach the post of a minister etc all this quick, but ambassadorial job, helping out as an advisor or secretary to someone etc will encourage them to climb the political ladder even further.

I would first like to state that I wish for all citizens to read both candidates manifesto's and determine themselves who is the better candidate for Singapore.
I hope for this election to be a fair and polite one, even though some citizens have proved it to at least start as quite the opposite.
I, once again, wish Teh You Jing best of luck in his campaigning and I mainly hope for Singapore to elect the candidate that will lead their country the best.

Over to the summary I promised you:
First: I would appoint new ambassadors, try to get the whole foreign affairs department going again, using all my contacts around the world to build up great relations with other nations.
Secon😛 Help the ONE alliance to start communicating more, acting more as it should.
Thir😛 Continue to re-organize the military, get more deployments going etc.
Fourth: Rearrange taxes so that hopefully both citizens and companies will profit more.
Fifth: Get more people on IRC and forums, inform the public more.
Sixth: Create a somewhat welfare program, awarding hard working newer citizens.
Seventh: Try to get more newer players into the political aspect of the game.