[Chew4Pres] Aiming for the Stars

Day 1,017, 22:30 Published in Singapore Ireland by ChewChewShoe
Greetings Singapore. I am ChewChewShoe, your Vice President.

However, today I do not come to you as the Vice President, but as a man filled with hope and ambition.

The fiffth Singapore will go to elections. The most important election every month you may say.
The presidential elections.

These upcoming elections are rather special to me, as I am, myself, running for president this month.

I must say, this month I am facing very harsh competition, from the great man Teh You Jing.
This man has done much good for our nation. He has served as president, he is the owner of our national IRC channel, #eSingapore, he is a several time congressman and he is always trying to help our nation progress.
He is a man worthy the position, truly, and I wish him all of luck in the elections.

However, despite this harsh competition in the elections, I am hoping that you, Singapore, may give me a chance to help you as president of your nation.

I have previously served in the offices as ambassador to several nations, Minister of Immigration, XO of the third HomeGuard platoon, and many more, and I am currently serving as the government representative to PHOENIX and the Vice President of the nation.

I may not have been playing this game for as long as my opposition, however, during this time, I have accomplished quite a lot.
I have served in the British elite force, SAS. I have served in the Singaporean HomeGuard, I have served as Entertainment Director of the United States Workers Party, at a point when it had over 1400 members and much more.
During my eLife I have gotten to know many glorious people, who are rather important in the eWorld.
I've grew to become friends with great people, such as Mr Woldy, Jamesw, Jude Connors, Konrad and many more.
People who have more experience than anyone in this nation, no matter how old they may be.

I am currently working at an economic plan for Singapore, with support and help from great minds such as Jewitt, Iain Keers, Thatcher, Mr Woldy etc, that could help us progress alot, and for this I thank these people.
This plan is currently a working progress, and I will therefore not tell you much about it before it's completed.
However, I can say that we are progressing quite alot.

I will give all I can to help this nation progress, but for that to be able to happen, I will need your help and support.

Singapore has collapsed the past months, and that is a fact. I will do all I can to rebuild what has been lost, and more.
Singapore needs new blood, no longer can we live from semi-inactive old people, just because they are old. This is no excuse for not progressing.
We need to unite and do all we can, together, to help Singapore prosper.
And I believe we can do that.
Singapore has been building up a barrier between the nation and the rest of the eWorld lately. We are cut off from the rest of the world. They don't know about us and we don't know about them.
It doesn't work any longer, and we need to change this.
Singapore can no longer isolate itself from the rest of the world. It will lead nowhere.
Let me help you break this chain.

You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.

Vote ChewChewShoe, for a Glorious Singapore!