[CC4CP] Expanding Outlined Goals

Day 1,959, 15:18 Published in South Africa Canada by Cody Caine

Unity Efforts
Last month Grimstone returned to South Africa with one main goal for the people, to united a torn country. I aim to continue that goal [even while running against Grimstone now] We as people of eSouth Africa must unite under the flag, work together, fight for the Good of South Africa together, and build together. This is not a demand that everyone share the same ideas, merely that ideas are put forth for the good of Country.

To be direct to one group located in the National Party, if you are truly not PTOers you will stand willing to work with others, not just push to claim control of the government, I issue this challenge prove yourselves or continue to be suspected. Talk is Cheap, actions are everything.
Support NAN
This is simple we are now members of Non-aligned Nations of eRepublik (NaN), so it is something we as a nation need to get completely on board with and support. The alliance is our reality and our future, and something a lot of hard work went into from both sides. It is an alliance I want to see grow and prosper. Even if I personally think the name is rather bland. If I were chosen as President, I would ask Grimstone to stay on as our representation in the Alliance, if I even had a say in the matter 😃.
Military Re-Organization
This one might cause some conflict, as many believe we as a military are weak and pathetic. But we as a nation in the Gold Mine fight put out some decent damage, sure a good chuck of that was from some "tanks" being added to our country to do damage, but not all of it, so we've shown we can do some damage. Now that in mind, I think the best bet for our military would be to organize timed attacks in benefit of our allies, perhaps run a nation-wise merc program as exampled briefly in Australia by Valentyme. I think this sort of operation could prove beneficial to our country, and we could possibly make some money.
Citizen Out Reach Programs
In line with the previous idea, we would need to get this idea to all citizens so they could take part, use funds to supply these soldiers. All citizens should have access to support and supplies from the government, not just certain ones.

For example, I was asked to work for a certain person to build supplies, but I have no idea if anyone got supplies because I certainly did not, this lack of organization is disappointing, and needs to be corrected.
Establish or Re-Establish South African Media
This goal I have been called delusional for, I didn't know wanting a progressive media department in government makes someone delusional, but whatever, some people are just haters.

The point of the idea is to make sure our citizens our informed of what the government is doing, Badger had some entertain articles but it needs to be more than just entertainment factor. Our Defense articles are lacking substance, our information could use more.

The mini point of this goal was a possible radio show, which would take more work and a group of people willing to do radio, because as most know when I have to do Radio solo it gets weird, and I pause a lot.

Because Pauly has always been one of my favorite eRep players, so the fact he's on board makes me happy 🙂
So who am I not to use an Image he posted for me to use.
Help Wanted
Cabinet volunteers are still wanted.