[CC4CP] Campaign Introduction

Day 1,957, 14:53 Published in South Africa Canada by Cody Caine

Making the Announcement
I am writing today to announce that I am officially throwing my hat into the Country President race of eSouth Africa. I've been debating this for a few days and have come to the decision that now is in fact a good time to make the run.
A Brief Outline of Goals
-Continue the Unity Efforts started by Grim

-Support NAN

-Military Re-Organization

-Citizen Out Reach Programs

-Establish or Re-Establish South African Media
--Possible National Radio Show
Cabinet Volunteering
Would you like to serve your eCountry? If so all you need to do is apply by sending me a message. I will take anyone who is willing to work, if you've never worked in a cabinet, a mentor will be found for you.