[CC4CP] Are you not entertained?!

Day 2,023, 20:26 Published in South Africa Canada by Cody Caine

Mood Music
That eerie timing
Forty Five years ago, on June 4th 1968, also a Tuesday like today, Robert Francis Kennedy was shot by an assassin, the shooting took place shortly after midnight into June 5th, and Kennedy would die 26 hours later into the early hours of June 6th.

If you are wondering why I am giving you a history lesson, well for two reasons I admire RFK, have used him as my avatar, and because I thought it was kind of eerie how the dates lined up with this campaign of my own that I am on.
Leading by Example
I made a point recently in a comment on an article that a CP must lead by example. That for one to preach for uniting the country, they should not be going around acting superior in any way to another member of the community they aim to unite. And odds are with my temper I won't fair much better on uniting a whole community, but the first lines of my campaign wasn't about unity.

Because my campaign is centered around transparency, honesty, and a lot of flare.

In other news
The Latest from Paul, the guy is a truly a class act, one I've admired for a long time now, I supported him in August of 2011 by pushing my party to endorse him, and I would support Paul in any race, he's got class, I enjoy his articles, I do mood music because of Paul.

Molly lays out her policy, Vote for BubblesMoJo!

Dragon Lady Article, I cannot remember why I am subscribed to her paper...it might be more of a mystery then the mystery I am to reveal later in this article.

Shoi 4 CP, wow what a month for CP races and my friends list lol.
Rumors of the Week
Lancer450 was apparently caught in the back of a strip club with a naughty raccoon.

YoungHOOD is said to have been seen leaving a brothel with 3 ladies and 4 men, they were followed back to a hotel, where all 8 of them in total went into Hoods room for the night not to be seen again for 3 days. When asked about the incident Hood declined to comment.

Uncle Buck reported as seen wearing a dress and singing show tunes.

Grimstone rumored to have starred in many adult movies.

Timmy Holtz was spotted leaving a college dorm covered in blood and wielding an axe.
Mystery Revealed
After much research by my crack research team, we have discovered that Kooguy known reader of this eNewspaper on average gives out 15 sessions of un-credible actions per week.
Quote of the Article
“Few are willing to brave the disapproval of their peers, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world that yields most painfully to change.”
― Robert F. Kennedy

South Africa