[BIZ] Need a gold advance, will give access to Q2 Food or Q3 Weapons company

Day 1,773, 19:03 Published in Japan Japan by ahava3233

Hi, ahava3233 here. Anyway, yeah I know I haven't been playing alot lately; I've been two-clicking basically, training my avatar for another day and making ¥¥¥.

At any rate, given the current deal on training grounds that is ending on Saturday (and the fact that I can't buy more than 10 gold a day and am still 20 gold short of the needed gold stock to buy Q4 training grounds, despite the fact that I have well more than enough JPY to do so), I need a gold advance. I'm figuring one way I could do this is temporarily sell one of my companies to another player. So yeah, here's how it would work.

1. You would contact me telling me you wish to take temporary possession of either of my companies.

2. We would conduct a rapid sale for the companies using IRC to coordinate and ensure that no other individual takes the sale. The sale would go for 13 Gold (I need a bit of gold to use my climbing center). You would be able to use the company you bought from me for 10 days, given companies cannot be sold for 10 days after they have been purchased (see here). Usage of the company would effectively be the base interest fee, although further interest is negotiable.

3. You would return the company to me through an IRC coordinated transaction for 13 Gold after 10 days have passed.

So yeah, anyway, I obviously need someone I can trust to perform this transaction, I reserve the right to reject your offer to participate in this for any reason. Message me privately or leave a comment below if you're interested in doing this. Feel free to give references. Thanks!