[Ad4CP] Playing with the Boys

Day 2,898, 11:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Addaway

As with every CP manifesto ever published in the history of this buggy browser game we all play for some inexplicable reason, you already know the subject of it. Yep, I am running once again to be the eUK’s CP. Now I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the debacle at the end of my last term, you can find more detail in Pannonian’s interview of me, but let me reiterate my apology that I made there, here. I messed up, I recognise that and have been working to make amends since.

So, what would I do if you elect me? I’m going to start with the domestics side of my manifesto in this article, and then do a second one where I cover Forig Affairs/Defence and a final one with muh proposed cabinet + budgets


For too long, Home Affairs has been an afterthought of government. Over a period of eighteen months or more, the MoHA has slowly deteriorated into the ministry with no real direction, no real funding and no real point. I intend to change that, and flip the ministry on its head- it may well retain its current name (or it may not), but the ministry itself will be different in its purpose, its structure and its level of funding.

Let me explain. Under an Addaway government, the MoHA’s role will be broadened, to encompass all forms of government support for eUK players, with the stated aim being to maximise the amount of damage the eUK does, and support its fighters. Primarily this is a war game, and we should be geared towards focusing on that at all levels. ‘Player Support’ will initially manifest itself in three strands: TG loans and grants (done in conjunction with the MoF), direct Q7 weapon and food support and a comprehensive mentoring and education system of the type successful MoHA’s have run in the past.

This won’t be yet another series of programs solely targeted at ‘new players’, it’s about helping out loyal eUKers who haven’t quite made it to full TGs, or those eUKers that will blow through food and weapons fighting for the eUK. In short, it’s the government investing in supporting our citizens so that the eUK performs better.

In terms of staff, I have already headhunted Frixios as the guy to lead overall co-ordination of the new MoHA, but I still need three ministers to head up each of the three sub-ministry strands that I outlined above. These aren’t deputy minister positions, but come with their own freedom to accomplish the goals outlined in their brief, and the power to hire and fire their own deputies. I won’t be micro-managing every ministry down to the lowest level.


I’ll also be looking to set up the kind of comprehensive apprenticeships program of the kind that was first outlined by me many moons ago and didn’t quite come to fruition. A further detailed announcement on this will be made should I win the election, but it will essentially be aimed at providing proper opportunities for new people to come into government ministries without necessarily having all the pressure of a full ministerial position, and to provide a clear system of progression through a government ministry. The intention is to try and bring through some new blood to the very top.

That’s all for domestic shizzle, if you want to apply for my government in some form then drop me a PM at some point and we’ll see what we can do. o/