A response to American criticism of the UK (Defence Intel Review)

Day 704, 07:35 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by Brian Boru

Aeros, there was an insult levied towards the United Kingdom.
During negotiations for the creation of Fortis, a system of weighted voting was proposed and pushed heavily by the United States. You mentioned this and dismissed it as merely "a method to balance population differences." To any free society, it is nearing upon a calculated insult.

Only after rejection by the British parliament was it eventually removed, but the damage was done.
The United States sent a clear message to the United Kingdom:
Your opinion is worth less than ours.

In the context of already strained relations, such force behind such a humiliating aspect of the Fortis treaty was bound to create a larger rift between the United States and the United Kingdom.
In fact, I commented on this in my article entitled Critical Response to US Press Release #28.

Critical Response to the White House on Fortis

There can be no mistake: The United States has a great deal of responsibility where the breakdown of Anglo-American relations are concerned. That's not saying that there is a British responsbility as well, but only the US was in a position to reach out and fix it.

I'm by no means flavour of the month in the UK.
I have lead a group that wanted to annex Northern Ireland on and off for a year now.
That said, I won't tolerate this BS that the US is blameless in this affair.
There is a share of responsibility that the United States Government must take.