PTOers unmasked

Day 613, 13:12 Published in Singapore Singapore by Boethiah

So who are these PTOers(this group anyway)?
Where do they come from.
What do they want.
Heres a few answers from what I can work out.

First, from his shout we can tell BB is involved, possibly the ring leader "Knights Warning! vote for the candidates who are: Desxtra, kismedve, s_u_b_tm and BB ".

So first clue about who they are is that they call themselves "Knights" what honour these "knights" must have to take over a country in this way, instead of trying to become involved in our country in a non-aggressive way.

Looking at BB's Newspaper leads to more clues about these so called "knights".

They call themselves "the knights of Laszlo" here is their Hierarchy
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"Grand Master: Knights of the leader, the Grand Chamber members are elected every two months from among the Lords. . Minor cases can only take more far-reaching decisions of the Council's agreement is required.

Gran😛 The members of the Knights control the organization of form. Monitor the activities of Grand Master, to decide disputes between the companion. The order of the main issues with the nagymesterrel decide.

Lords: Tartományurak Also known as the Knights built rendházainak leaders in different countries. The greater range of advice in helping leaders, is checked. The smaller of the Grand and are subject to the influence of the Grand.

T. Provincial Councils: The larger provinces operate, monitor and assist the work of the Lords of the council of the province who are felügyelőiből specialty.

Knights: The system consists of backbone, they are the organization's sword and shield. Fighters who are fighting on behalf of the system.

acolytes, who will be the end of the probationary full knight. . Position is also a fight.

Workers: The Knights form a basis. Work will assist in achieving the objectives of the system. "
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(sorry for the odd hungarian word I used google translate)

Here is their mission/Organisation.
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"The Order is intended to be present everywhere in the world. . It is, therefore, not a condition for the Homeless. Everywhere in the world, want to live in communities where English priories established. They set up the regions where priories, are called provinces. Each monastery in the province rendtagokat will live with the direct contact with the companies and Nagymesterrel and Nagytanáccsal. Long term, we want to ensure that the whole system of self-sufficiency. My company, on its own supply system, its own army, the State practice in the state.

This does not mean that some of the priories and the whole system does not cater for the requests of the Governments of the countries. The Knights of Saint László is not a new szabadcsapat, not an economic enterprise. It's an entirely new initiative, which combines all the elements of the game, but not restricted to a country and does not depend on the government. Not politics, but do not expect your rendtagoktól to leave pártjukat. "
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Now from the later posts it seems they wanted to leave Hungary, maybe because they were ineffectual, maybe they thought we would bend to their will.

Whatever the reason, they have proved aggressive and dictatorial, we are subject to no ones will.
Do not let this failed group take control.

We are eSingapore!
Majulah Singapura

[For more information click here'>

it is a link to a rough translation of BBs Newspapers)]