Uk/Ireland "War"

Day 577, 09:47 Published in Philippines Ireland by romansoldier

its been a while since my last article i know...the last one had exhausted me

The "War"

The President of the United Kingdom "Kumnaa"
had released an article stating that he was fed up of the Irish claiming that Northern Ireland was theirs so he was going to conquer Ireland.

The Article is here ""

This surprised almost everyone around the eWorld. Well the ones that knew anyways..=-p
He had said that he was going to launch the attack at 12:00 pm eRep time. people from countries all around the world decided to quit their jobs and move to Ireland to fight against the "British imperialists" which is quite funny because more than half the eWorld is gobbled up by another country at the moment

The "Real" Battle

The battle has started, the eUK were winning by FAR. People From all over the world were coming in to use up their gold. Even military groups were being Sent in to fight against the British until...

"The Nitnaa Agreement" was put onto the forums. Nitnaa is the names of the Irish president and the UK president names combined was a secret training War to get activity up and running and to spread fun around the uk and Ireland. The Uk would attack Ireland and hand over 140G every time if they captured the region Ireland keeps the 140g if not Ireland hands it back over

The attack landed on the Shannon Region

when the treaty was found and posted on the Uk forums and other places..most people had a laugh about it

but some people decided that their 3g-30g was the entire world and wanted the Presidents impeached 16 Yes / 15 No for the Irish President

The Uk President dose not Fear being Impeached as he had a "joke" impeachment a few days before the war or announcement and cannot come under impeachment for a short while, but chances are everyone will be calmed down by then

The Irish had won the First round of the battle, with eUs troops and other military around the world

The Total Damage done was

Ireland - Fights:2004 - Damage:119,112
United Kingdom - Fights:3183 - Damage:137,798

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