The Ever Changing eWorld: Day 552

Day 552, 20:16 Published in Canada Canada by Nosyt

This will no doubt be overshadowed by the elections, and recent CAF theft, however the show must go on. The most action in the world right now is the Swedo-Germanium war. (I know its improper grammar but I like the ring to it) So let’s recap on that. So far Sweden has had three victories, and has conquered Schleswig-Holstein, Lower Saxony, and more recently Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. This territory was home to three of Germany’s successful battles in this war, and today after the fourth attack the region fell at last. The country has also been able to defend Saxony-Anhalt from the Polish. Poland has gained Saxony and Brandenburg from this war, and are currently trying their luck at Thuringia. That’s 4 for Germany, 3 for Sweden and 2 for Poland, with one undecided. In other news Japan has completed their conquest of South-Korea, and India has been becoming more independent of late.

As usual, this is day 550�s map from eGobba.

Today’s map is here.